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Very good customer service. Very approachable and kind. Was worried whether it would work as my husband has a pacemaker with a monitor but am reassured after enquiring.
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Posted 1 day ago
I never thought it would work I have been looking for answers for a very long time, I now wake up in the morning and say to my self I slept the whole night 😀 I don’t understand how it works? But it does I’m so happy.
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Posted 2 months ago
I have been using Zeez for about 2 years now, but sadly lost it - probably ending up in the recycling bag! I had wondered whether it really worked, or was maybe in large part the benefit was the psychological security of knowing the gadget was there. But I can honestly say that without it now I am finding it harder to get to sleep, and definitely wake up more during the night. So I have just ordered another. I am grateful to Anna.
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Posted 2 months ago
Zeezs can turn up in surprising places, and in this case the missing device was discovered on top of the washing machine, and quickly returned to its proper place under the pillow. Our user reports " it took about 3 weeks to start getting to sleep a bit easier, and another week or so for the sleep quality to improve. Its not perfect, but I can tell the difference" . Great sleep can be a mission, in which the Zeez can play a valuable part, and it is worth continuing to explore, I think. Personally, I now know that too late nights and / or night time sugar are quite likely to mess up my sleep, even with the Zeez. It is comforting, having transgressed, to know that if I am in bed before midnight and avoid the lure of chocolate, I will sleep well.
Posted 1 month ago
I can definitely recommend the Zeez Sleep Pebble. I have had mine about four months now and my sleep has improved so much. I must admit I don’t understand the science behind it but that doesn’t matter. Customer service is brilliant and its founder Anna is always there to help and offer advice. She did advise me to switch off all devices on going to sleep, but for various reasons I couldn’t manage this, but the sleep pebble still worked for me. Only downside is that you need to charge it every 9 days or so and it takes hours to charge. But I would say…go ahead and invest in this…it might change your life for the better.
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Posted 2 months ago
I can't recommend this device enough! People think I'm a little crazy when I tell them about it, it's worth every penny! I'm a lifelong poor sleeper, 20 years as a nurse, shiftwork and stress. It took a few weeks to take effect, I can honestly say I can't be without it now. I take the recommended supplements every day without fail. My sleep will never be perfect, I always wake up 2 - 3 times a night, but instead of laying in bed stressing about sleep, I drift back off in no time. I no longer take any sleeping medication (I would take anything I could get my hands on!), my brain fog and poor memory no longer exist. It's life changing. Great customer service, Anna will always follow you up if there is a problem with the machine. I rented mine, it was less of a hit on my bank account and I was worried it wouldn't work. It's a complete game changer!
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Posted 4 months ago
I highly recommend the Zeez Sleep Pebble! Although I get to sleep easily, for years I had trouble staying asleep - often waking at 2am or 3 am and then staying awake. Since using the Zeez, my sleep has improved immeasurably - it took a couple of weeks, but with consistent use I now can count on 6 or 7 hours and generally it is uninterrupted. My 80-year dad is also a convert! Whilst he does not think he sleeps longer, he says he sleeps much 'deeper' and will not go anywhere without it. Finally, the support and customer service is second to none. Recently, when I bought a sleep pebble for a friend with serious depression and related sleep issues, it was sent out immediately and Anna gave extra advice, including the role of light and tryptophan - we have yet to see, but I am very hopeful it will help. Thank you!
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Posted 6 months ago
The Zeez has been incredibly helpful rejuvenating my sleep through the follicular phase and some of the luteal phase of my cycle after 7 years of chronic insomnia due to hormone dysfunction. Anna, who I believe owns the company, spent around an hour on the phone to me helping me improve my sleep hygiene and offering superb advice. The customer service is second to none and this company go way above and beyond what you would expect. I used the hire option and with Anna’s help felt much more alert and level through consistent use of her techniques and with the support of the Zeez. Thank you!
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Posted 8 months ago
Having had decades of poor sleep, I really do think Zeez works. I have tried hypnosis; listening to things like the Calm app on an under pillow speaker; countless over the counter remedies; a gadget called a Dodo that my daughter bought me; and occasional prescribed sleeping tablets. None of these have delivered any benefit, lasting or otherwise. Zeez needs to be persevered with (and remember to take your magnesium tablets!). But I can honestly say it works for me, and the trial period is a good length of time so there is really no risk in giving it a go. On the odd occasion that I’ve forgotten to use it, or when the battery has run out, my sleep is definitely poorer. Anna is very generous with her time and wisdom on how to get the best out of Zeez, which she understands inside and out, as she developed it. The battery is the only slightly annoying thing as there’s no low battery warning, and as much as I try to remember to recharge it just before it goes completely, I nearly always forget! But Anna tells me it’s ok to recharge even if it still has a decent amount of charge, so I’m now making a note to charge it every week regardless. It lasts just over the week, using it every night and sometimes resetting it to get the benefit of the first 20 minutes that are programmed to help quiet the mind. It nearly always gets me back to sleep quickly, while before I would be fretting about all sorts, reading or even prowling around in the night, making tea, desperately trying to get back to sleep! All in all, I’m very pleased I bought it and persevered with it.
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Posted 10 months ago
I have used the Zeez for around 9 months now. My reasons for buying the Zeez were to try to resolve firstly, a general issue in being slow to fall asleep and also a more serious issue of being unable to get to sleep for several hours and sleeping very lightly when sharing a bed with my partner and consequently feeling tired, anxious and upset about this. Because of my sleep problems we only share a bed when on holiday and I was relying on sleeping tablets to get to sleep when doing this. I was concerned about the effects of this long term. I initially started using the Zeez when sleeping on my own. It was not an instant success and seemed to make very little difference for some weeks, however, I have persisted and believe that overall I am now getting to sleep more quickly most nights and, importantly, I am less anxious about whether I will get to sleep. I have also now taken the Zeez on holiday several times and have managed to reduce the quantity of sleeping tablets that I need to take by around two-thirds. So I am pleased that things have improved for me and I plan to continue using the Zeez with the hope of eliminating the tablets entirely over time.
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Posted 11 months ago
I saw this on the Devina Mccall television programme on the menopause and how it could improve sleep it scored extremely highly with the testers. I was desperate to improve my sleep and decided to purchase. It is extremely easy to use and recharge and I loved the simple design . I have had mine for around 2 years with no loss of battery life . My sleep has improved beyond my expectations and has improved with use. I love the 20 minute function to get you to sleep and if I wake in the night and struggle to return to sleep I simply use this function again and it usually sends me back to sleep . I wouldn’t be without it but I am now sleep meditation free and have been almost from the start of using this product . I am delighted
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Posted 1 year ago
I bought the Zeez after someone recommended it to me at the beginning of February. I was impressed by the way Anna contacted me by email and phone before I received my Zeez Pebble. In the first call, she recommended I reduce the amount I was drinking during the day; recommended the best supplements to take. I began using Zeez Sleep Pebble but my sleep did not initially begin to improve. Following another call in which Anna suggested I take most of the magnesium in the evening and I could use the Zeez Sleep Pebble during the day to help my body and brain get accustomed to it, I began to notice an improvement. The final advice was for when I wake in the middle of the night to turn the Zeez off and restart it - which has made a big difference and has stopped me having long periods awake in the night. I definitely recommend the Zeez Sleep Pebble and if it doesn't seem to work for you initially do contact the company and persevere.
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Posted 1 year ago
I’ve suffered from poor sleep my whole adult life. It’s something we just put up with. I’ve tried literally everything. I work as a practice nurse at a GP surgery. A few mnths back, I had a student nurse with me, and we were discussing sleep. (Or lack of it) and she mentioned once, whilst working in hospital, a patient had a zeez sleep pebble and swore by it. We eagerly researched it, if made perfect sense they way it helped sleep patterns to be restored. When I saw the price, I must admit I was reluctant, but as zeez offer a full money back guarantee, I decided to order one. This product has literally changed my life!!! I didn’t really know what to expect, how could a small piece of plastic under your pillow help you to sleep? But, I absolutely hand on heart proclaim that this product has changed my life!!! It took a good 3 weeks initially to notice any difference , but I persevered. Within a mnth, I was only waking once or twice a night, rather than 6-7 times, and I could easily fall back to sleep. This has made such a positive impact on my day to day tiredness. When I tell people about it, and then they ask the price, a lot of people are shocked I ‘wasted’ £300…… these people don’t understand you would literally pay anything if it made you sleep better. When I explain this to people, they get it. I would recommend the zeez sleep pebble to all of my patients as I’ve seen 1st hand positive results. The fact they offer a full refund to me is a no brainer!!! The communication and after care has been fabulous, they feel like friends. Highly recommended life changing product.
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Posted 1 year ago
I came to buy a Zeez Sleep Pebble after many years of poor sleep, ranging from not being able to fall asleep until 2/3/4/5/6 a.m., to waking, sometimes as early as midnight or 1 a.m., and not being able to get back to sleep. In my 50s I tended to sleep reasonably well after one or two nights of sleeping badly, but by my 60s, bad nights far outnumbered good ones. Having read lots of articles pointing to lack of sleep increasing the risk of dementia, I reached the point of desperation after a run of nights of fitful sleep that felt too light to do me any good. I had first heard of the Zeez Sleep Pebble in a short TV programme assessing different remedies tried out by a small group of insomniacs, after which I had explored the website. Accounts and reviews, particularly from post-menopausal women, had impressed me, including one who justified the expense in the hope that improving her sleep would cut the risk of her family having to fund residential care for her in future. I took the plunge and bought a Zeez Sleep Pebble, and during the first six weeks in which I had mixed results, switched my daily multivitamin, vitamin D and magnesium intake to ones recommended by Anna. I try to get out in the open each morning and to undertake some sort of physical exertion - often gardening (tough weeds being a feature of my garden). I do still experience occasional nights when I cannot 'switch off' and get to sleep despite repeated use of the Zeez, but I am hopeful that further tinkering with my diet and evening routine, as now recommended by Anna, will reduce these. Unless I have eaten too much salty food or drunk more than a glass of wine, frequent waking and 'too light' sleep occur much less. My previously dire sleep is much improved and I am glad I made the purchase. I would recommend anyone experiencing poor sleep to give Zeez a try.
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Posted 1 year ago
I'm pleased that my investment paid dividends, always a good result! Using the Zeez pebble, I fell asleep more quickly than previously and had deeper sleep, Bonus!
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Posted 1 year ago
Five Years ago Zeez saved me from a decade of horrendous insomnia. Now I will not be without it, if I go away, it's my most precious friend for my journey. I NEVER let the battery run out. What is better than blissful sleep?!!! I am so grateful.
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Posted 1 year ago
I have been doing so much better since having the Zeez pebble. I’m 54 and had been struggling with my sleep for a while and feeling worse and worse during the day as a result. I have been so impressed with how quickly it worked for me and have lent it to a couple of friends and my mum all of whom couldn’t believe the results, hence my mum buying one for herself. Thank you so much for the work you have put into creating the pebble, a definite life/marriage saver.
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Posted 1 year ago
I have purchased 2 Zeez Pebbles, the first in 2018, for my partner. She had experienced years of insomnia and had tried many remedies, but with no significant success. I therefore purchased the Zeez with some degree of trepidation. Thankfully, within a few days, it began to have a positive effect, which increased over the next few weeks and has remained ever since. I did wonder if this could have been psychosomatic, but whenever she has omitted to recharge the Zeez, she has noticed immediately. As a result, when my daughter in law experienced similar problems, earlier this year, I purchased her a Zeez for her birthday, with similar success. The Zeez definitely delivers on its promises. Peter
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Posted 1 year ago
I've had chronic insomnia off and on for over 18 years, since my second child was born. I had tried everything - sleep meds, SSRIs, all the sleep herbs, various supplements, meditation, hypnosis programs, perfecting my sleep hygiene, cutting out caffeine, changing when/how I exercised, etc. Some of those approaches helped short-term and helped me learn to reduce the anxiety that came with being awake at night, but I was just surviving, hardly ever functioning at full capacity. Brain fog was my constant companion, and I couldn't work a full-time job for years because I never knew when I would have a bad night and be unable to function the next day. Six months ago, after a period of extreme stress, I went for a month only sleeping 3 hours a night, and my body finally collapsed from the strain. It scared me. I'm in the U.S., and a friend here told me about Anna and the Zeez Sleep Pebble. My friend let me borrow hers for a trial run, and it helped a bit the first week. I slept for 6-7 hours a few times, and even when I woke up during the night, I either got back to sleep or just didn't feel as bad the next day. I tried it for a few weeks with some mixed results and then tried sleeping without it for a few weeks for comparison. I was also trying some different supplements at the time, so I wasn't sure what was actually helping. But when my sleep started to get worse again, I ordered my own Sleep Pebble. I got the one for low resting heart rate. The first few nights with it, my sleep was really choppy, but I reached out to Anna and followed her suggestions, tried taking more Vitamin D, and it's been working!!! I feel like a human being again and often sleep 7-8 hours/night now. I occasionally still have a rough night of sleep if my day was especially stressful or after a bout of illness. But it seems to reset in a few days with the Sleep Pebble, and my baseline is now GOOD sleep for a solid 6 hours at least. I'm so, so grateful. It honestly feels like it's given me my life back.
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Posted 1 year ago
Loved the pebble, helped me to get to sleep earlier and have less broken sleep. Very easy to use and the customer service and information given were first rate. I rented first, then bought it as it has made a huge positive impact on my life. Would recommend to anyone with sleep issues to try it.
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Posted 1 year ago
My insomnia has been ongoing for over twenty years, so breaking the habit with the Zeez pebble took a little longer than expected, also I suffered from other sleep related problems which didn't help. However after 6 months there was a definite upturn and I never attempt sleep now without switching on the pebble. My sleep is still not without a few glitches but I am very grateful for the improvement that I have made.
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Posted 1 year ago
Zeez is rated 4.8 based on 170 reviews