“WebinarVet great, OVForm webinar poor. I’d love to know how many viewers were after an hour’s free CPD vs OVs looking for help and information. The presenter/developer gave a shockingly um/er delivery without a single glimpse of the online experience she’s selling. I feel any new or prospective OVs would feel more paranoid about the process than before. Much love, a grumpy old OV.”
“Subject and presentation good. Could have done with a bit more interaction. And the technological issues in the beginning......these things happen I suppose.”
“I really liked the course and it explained a lot. I just think that it could´ve been more in deep.
Still I learned a lot!! Loved it, thank you so much”
“The webvinar was well scheduled and released by the author considering to tech the most frequent case-load in clinical odontology. The cameras locatoin were well maganaged provideding visual approch to the most critial component of procedures. Each case was clearly and completely exposed providing critical points for point-of-care practice.”