“Es priecājos,ka varu sekot un klausīties informāciju Webinar Vet.Atkārtoju zināmas lietas.Priecājos,ka,piemēram skatoties ultrasonogrāfijas izmeklējumu vebināru,mana diagnoze atbilst tam,ko stāsta lektore.Ik pa brīdim uzzinu kaut ko jaunu un interesantu.Paldies Jūsu komandai par šo iespēju !”
“I did a great interactice opthalomology quiz the other night. Only thing is, I had to switch from the website to the zoom because I couldn't move the popup question box and it was covering the images for which the questions were being asked. It was an easy enough fix, not sure if there's a workaround on that? The content was fab though.”