“Webinar vet is well organized and set up to help vets in practice. Their online conference is excellent. Some of the webinars I have attented are very good, one or two were harder work, much depends on the speaker presenting the webinar at the time.”
“Fantastic webinar, great content.
Had a problem where the link didn’t work to the webinar so missed the first part, husband sorted it as I wouldn’t have known how so bad he not been home I would have missed the whole thing.”
“I find the webinar vet very instructive, I am retired now but still do meat inspection, I like to keep a hand in on what’s currently happening in practice.”
“Very good selection of topics - please can I ask if the live sessions are free to access after the event? I have missed a couple due to being at work”
“Just what I needed to try and get through this time of staff shortages and client cost of living difficulties. Could have done with more from Robyn and less about OA for me”