“I appreciated the organized, useful information about this product that I have not used before. I will try it after seeing and hearing how and when to apply. I do not enjoy webinars that seem to build up an individual Vet or researcher. This one was product and patient centered.”
“Webinar vet is well organized and set up to help vets in practice. Their online conference is excellent. Some of the webinars I have attented are very good, one or two were harder work, much depends on the speaker presenting the webinar at the time.”
“Fantastic webinar, great content.
Had a problem where the link didn’t work to the webinar so missed the first part, husband sorted it as I wouldn’t have known how so bad he not been home I would have missed the whole thing.”
“Love the choice of webinars. I don’t feel like the website flows very well though. I think it would be better if you could make the personal profile section work abit better.”