“I have now attended 2 webinars hosted by the Webinar Vet & found them to be excellent, informative CPD days. Support/IT staff are also very helpful when there is a problem. Highly recommended”
“I found it slightly hard to work out how to get into the conference but I'm not great with technology so it was probably me rather than The Webinnar Vet. Apart from that it was brilliant”
“The idea behind online cpd and the amount of content available is good, but my recent experience with an online Congress was terrible. I never received emails about log in details, when I tried to log in and reset password the reset emails wouldnt come through. I found it very stressful. I would say that the support staff were good when I emailed with my difficulties though and reset my password for me. I also thought the layout of the virtual Congress was awful. I appreciate that sponsors want you to look at their stands but navigating to the auditorium to view the lectures took forever clicking so many times to make your way to the auditorium.”
“I am using TWV because it is the platform used by the European Veterinary Dermatology Congress. Overall, I will rate my experience using it as poor, because:
1. the videos often stop in spite of high-speed internet
2. I keep seeing ads that I did not ask for
3. the process of accessing the CPD certificates is unclear and unfriendly
4. there were incompatibilities with Mac OSX Safari while watching the live sessions”