“Minty helped me a lot. she is very patient and very kind to me. Everything seemed to go wrong with the booking but now everything seems to be resolved. Hope we have a super holiday next week.
Big 10 for Minty 😘”
Thanks Sandra! We are so happy to hear that your booking was a success with the help of Minty! We hope you have a super holiday, and enjoy the lessons.
“Good to have a broker that is looking at all available options, but a bit frustrating that the booking system allows you to select slots that might not be available. Worked out well in the end though.”
“Excellent customer service snd helpful staff however ski school continually changed my time for lessons. Need to remove time slots from website if unavailable.”
“Bellissima esperienza con il maestro Davide Vianello che mi ha dedicato una lezione dando molta importanza alla tecnica ma anche al divertimento sulle piste. Attento ad ogni dettaglio, mi ha anche filmato per poi rivedere ogni singolo errore e correggerlo nelle discese successive. Non è mancato il divertimento sciando su ogni pista essendo un vero conoscitore del posto. Ve lo consiglio.”
“Would love to say that James was SO helpful finding the right instructor packages for my family and friends at different levels when we were struggling to source elsewhere . Kept me calm and updated along the way and now we are super excited to enjoy our trip!! ”
Hey Scott. Thank you very much for your positive feedback. We are so glad you had a great experience with SkiBro & our Ski Specialist James! We look forward to helping you find your future lessons.