The Protein Pick and Mix have a Customer Happiness Grade of A. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service.
I found the website very easy to use and found the item I was looking for at the best price. Very please with the whole service.
- Mark W
great price, great choice (lots of bars I can't find anywhere else), quick delivery. What's not to like!
Absolutely perfect bundle, and the price is even better
- Isobell P
Always great products. Easy to order. Quick delivery. Order every month, won’t go anywhere else
- Fiona J
I have brought my supplements from here and have always been spot on for fast delivery and items are always secure.
Good prices as well.Shame they based too far to visit, thou I did go once and you spoilt with so many choices in there warehouse
Very happy with my purchase. Fast delivery and amazing packaging.
- Anonymous
Love the legendary protein pop tarts excellent value and service
- Katie M
Amazing service as usual - my order was dispatched within 30 minutes of placing it and arrived the very next morning!
The Pick and Mix team never fail to impress me in terms of speed, quality and dedication to delighting their customers ☺️
- Lauren W
The customer service is absolutely above and beyond and absolutely friendly as they tried to help me out with my order.
- Cheyenne Y