Ivel Valley Wild Bird Food have a Customer Happiness Grade of B-. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service but are unhappy with their refunds.
First time using this company and are very impressed both with the products and service. The price is also very reasonable enabling a larger order
- Kenneth K
Very fast delivery, good price and birds are happy
- Janet
Very easy to order through their website and good price. The suet logs arrived quickly and very well packaged. Great service. Thanks.
- Lynne D
The delivery was very prompt . The goods were well packed and the birds seem to like them. Enough said!
- Trevor M
I have been a client for a considerable time, ordering monthly. Excellent delivery, first class product range, very competitive pricing.
- Bob R
Always prompt delivery well packed excellent quality. Only complaint birds love it๐
- Margaret W
I asked for a refund and was basically told NO.
- Peter E
Very prompt service and great quality goods
- Margaret S
Excellent service
- Tim
Great service as always.
- Sue