Bulhawk have a Customer Happiness Grade of A. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service.
By far the sturdiest gazebo i have purchased. Great quality for the price
- David S
Excellent service fast delivery and well worth the price I paid for the gazebo really happy, this is the 3rd one o have brought.
- Dennis D
Genuinely shocked at the great quality of the gazebo (premium 32) compared to price. Great value for money. Customer service were excellent when I called for advice, very knowledgeable and honest and listened to my requirements without trying to upsell. Speedy delivery without any hassle. Thank you for an excellent product and excellent service:)
Staff were extremely helpful when I had a query. Fast delivery with good communication. I would highly recommend Bulhawk.
- Libby W
Bulhawk was recommended by a friend, by which i explored the website in detail looking for what i needed and for what i wish to have 😁 All products are awesome, customer service was excellent and P&P and delivery were spot on 🫡
Really good quality delivery very quick
- Anton C
Excellent customer service. Minor pin hole in the roof of the gazebo. E-mailed John, new cover sent out next day. Fantastic company, would recommend them to anyone looking for a quality service.
- Stephen M
Im super excited to have purchased my first set of gazebo weights… getting ready for my Christmas stall.
Customer service was kind and helpful. Thank you
- Anonymous
All round great products and service.
- Andrew R