“7 Flavours....
Coffee and Walnut - bitty, doesn't taste like what it describes, I couldn't stomach it as a drink so I put it with crushed weatabix and honey. After taste wasn't great. Felt like a chore for breakfast but I wasn't hungry throughout the day so did keep me full
Strawberry- was quite nice, not a strong flavor but not bitty in texture. I had it as a drink with milk. Wasn't hungry throughout the day. Probably the best out of all of these flavours.
Vanilla- was okay, but couldn't taste much vanilla very nutty
Chocolate + hazelnuts
Was really gutted about this one, I love chocolate so thought this one would be lush but.... There wasn't much chocolate flavour even though you can see the Coco power in the mix, all I could really taste was nuts and the texture wasn't smooth.
Quite nice, very nutty! Texture is fine. Make sure you have after freshly made don't leave in the fridge and go back to it.
Cherry Bakewell
Couldn't really tell it was Cherry Bakewell just tasted of nuts.
I mixed it with greek yogurt and put some granola in with it.
This tasted more like what it says on the packet. Was a pleasant morning shake.
If you love nuts Purition is for you!
All of these tasted like nuts and not flavouring on the packet. The after taste isn't very nice. Shame, I love the ethos of this company. Hopefully they can improve there flavouring and textures.”
“I haven’t written a review in the past , This is the first time I’ve purchased Purition !! Unlike the post that I have just read !
Still trying out the small different flavours that I purchased. So when I have completed the Taste session I will write a review, many thanks”
“This week I've only received 1 of the 4 monthly items I ordered. So I didn't get my discount and I've been charged for postage. Not very impressive. I waited a couple of days after receipt of item 1 hoping that the other 3 items would arrive in another parcel.”
Hello and thank you for your feedback. We apologise for any confusion with your order.
We recently emailed you about some out-of-stock items, requesting an update to your subscription. It seems this message may have been missed or ended up in the spam/ junk folder maybe?
As a gesture of goodwill we have refunded you for the shipping, and can confirm that the subscription discount was applied to your order.
Please let me know any changes you need in order to update your subscription to ensure you receive everything you'd like in your next order. We'll send you a direct email too, but in case you don't receive it, our contact details are hello@purition.co.uk or 01743 444397 we'd be happy to process these changes and assist you further.
We value your custom and appreciate your patience.
Hello Margaret,
We're so pleased that you're enjoying the taste of Purition. That's a good start!
Weight-loss is different for every one. We'll drop you an email to support you directly. We can set up a call if that helps, that way we can discuss how you've got on so far and you can ask us any questions. We're here to support your weight-loss journey.
“Bought the starter pack,and have tried the strawberry first, it had hardly any strawberry taste, they did fill me up, so that's good I'm hoping that the rest of the flavours have some taste, I have strawberries in the fridge, but seems silly to add them to get a taste”
“I am so sorry yo leave a low score review. I had such I hopes or maybe I just trued the wrong flavour for me. This morning i had a coffee and walnut, I love both normally. I thought this is going to be the One. No added sugar fantastic. But sadly it was bitter no coffee flavour.i even added an espresso. All I had was an underlying strong taste of I don't know what. 5hrs later. I still have an awful taste in my mouth.
I'm reluctant to try a different flavour tomorrow. 😖”
I'm so sorry that you haven't enjoyed your first experience. We understand that the very low sugar and natural subtle flavour can take a little adjusting to. Both Coffee and Walnuts are naturally bitter so if it's not been sweet enough this is something you can add (to your own taste and preference).
I'll email you directly now so I can help make some serving suggestions and tweaks you can make to make the recipe more to your liking.
“So far not impressed. Made a mistake & accidentally ordered vegan options.....tasted like dirt, absolutely vile was a challenge not to hurl. Asked customer services for suggestions to make it more palatable, they suggested I replace with the regular flavours, which they did at no extra charge, thank you. This batch are much better in flavour but are still challenging to drink as am getting used to the graininess of them, but at least am not gagging on them.
It's only been a week, tried 6 different flavours & the flavouring is very subtle, but not too unpleasant so am going to persevere, but it is a struggle..”
“I have been buying Purition for many years as a breakfast option for T2, over time it seems to have less flavour each time I purchase. The last batch of the Pecan & Cinnamon was pretty much tasteless likewise the Raspberry. It seems the case across numerous flavours unless you add your own additional fruit or ingredient. Maybe cost cutting but seeing as prices have increased lets hope not. One major cost cutting issue I wish they should sort is regardless of the constant bragging about the number of meals sold each week they still cannot absorb the cost to supply in RECYCLABLE bags even though raised as an issue again several years ago. Think of the tons of bags in landfill as a result.”
“Products granular texture takes getting used to as does finding a flavour that's suits
Badly let down by the courier FedEx as there service is shocking”
“Whilst the product is interesting and the nutritional value is good, I found the glutinous bitty mass unpleasant to swallow and therefore had to add more liquid to thin. This then gave me too much to deal with. Flavour varieties are good but some savoury options maybe ?
I have also tried 3 times to unsubscribe as I have decided enough is enough through the website structure and by direct email and phone. Yet another delivery has arrived last week... please delete my account and stop sending me another batch.”
“Not an issue with delivery or price, I haven't returned anything so wouldn't know how good/ bad that is. I just don't like them, neither does my husband. Even though I spent money on choosing several different flavours, they all taste pretty much the same, and although we have tried them as porridge with both milk and water and have also blended them as shakes we cant bring ourselves to use them, they are so grainy and to us unusable, which is a shame as I ordered them as a quick meal replacement for work. I have tried to persevere, but they have unfortunately taken up residence in the drawer until they inevitably end up in the bin.”
“This review relates to the ‘blue spirulina’ super late… I had big expectations for this product, ive had these style lattes many times and always really enjoyed them. This however is undrinkable. Awful. Im gutted. Followed the instructions and on completion the drink looked lovely but taste was horrendous. Just not for me. In two minds whether I open the other two flavours purchased to be honest.”
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and I am sorry to read that you did not enjoy the Blue Spirulina Super Latte.
We understand that taste is so personal and that whilst many people enjoy the super lattes, for some, it may not be what they like or enjoy - We are just very sorry that that this was the case for you, but would like to thank you very much for trying it.
We have also just reached out to you via e-mail to best able to assist you.
-Team Purition
“The recipe change is very disappointing. I used to really enjoy my purition shakes. I’ve only had 3 of my last batch and they do not taste nice. Was it certain flavours that have changed or all?”
Hi Rachel,
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.
We have not changed any of our recipes and we are very sorry to read that you've not enjoyed your last order.
We always encourage everyone to reach out to us directly via e-mail or a call if they need any assistance as we may not see reviews left to be able to help as soon as possible.
We have reached out to you just now directly via e-mail to help you with this query!
-Team Purition
“It's a no from me, recently recovery from gallbladder surgery so thought to try these to help build myself back up, I ordered a few sample Sachets and ended up returning most as I just found them flavourless and didn't blend very well so disappointed, I won't be recommending”
Dear Lucy,
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and review and for trying Purition.
We understand that taste is so personal and therefore whilst many people enjoy Purition, it will not suit everyone.
Again, thank you for trying Purition, we are just sorry that Purition can’t contribute to your well-being goals but we hope that our swift response to your query the other day was to your satisfaction.
We wish you all the best and a swift recovery post-surgery,
-Team Purition
First of all, we would like to thank you very much for your support and your orders!
We like to think that you find Purition beneficial enough to have it as part of your diet and that is why you've placed repeat orders with us, even if the bars were not to your liking.
We also hope that the e-mail we just sent you was helpful and please know that you can always reach out to us directly if we can assist with anything - We may not see comments left here on time to be able to help as best as we can. 😊
We appreciate the honest feedback you provided after trying our new KetoTHIS bars, this is important to us and we are sorry that you did not enjoy the bars.
Although many people enjoy the bars, we know that taste is so personal, so we completely accept that these will not be to everyone’s liking and we thank you for trying them.
-Team Purition
“This is in regards to Positions KETO bars only. I’ve tried the mixed Berry and the chocolate meal replacement bars but I genuinely think more market research should have been done before the bars were released for sale. The texture is powdery and the bar feels greasy in the mouth. The flavour is bland and overall the oral satisfaction is lacking. I really hope that Purition can improve on this bar because there is a market for a genuinely healthy low sugar meal replacement bar..”
Dear Val,
First of all, we would like to thank you very much for your continued support over the past year or si - it means a lot to us and we are so glad that Purition has been part of your life for so long.
We also really appreciate the honest feedback you provided after trying our new KetTHIS bars, this is important to us and we are sorry that you did not enjoy the bars.
We aimed to provide a completely natural, low carbohydrate, high fat whole food meal bar without any artificial ingredients or sweeteners that can be a convenient option for those that want to stick to their low carb way of eating on the go.
Of course, we know that taste is so personal, so we completely accept that these will not be to everyone’s liking and we thank you for trying them.
Again, thank you for your detailed feedback, we always welcome it and we will have a different, natural and only (slighlty) sweetened dessert/snack bar coming out later in the year, which may be of interest to you.
As always, please reach out to us if we can assist with anything, we are happy to help!
-Team Purition
“I'm sorry to be writing this as I love your shakes but the bars were not for me. I tried all 3 and didn't like any. Luckily they are small so I got them down but they just felt too full of fat to me and greasy almost - SOrry!”
Dear Julie
First of all, we would like to thank you very much for your continued support, we are very glad that you love Purition.
We also really appreciate the honest feedback you provided after trying our new KetTHIS bars, this is important to us and we are sorry that you did not enjoy them.
We aimed to provide a completely natural, low carbohydrate, high fat , whole food meal bar without any artificial ingredients or sweeteners that can be a convenient option for those that want to stick to their low carb way of eating on the go.
Of course, we know that taste is so personal, so we completely accept that these will not be to everyone’s liking and we thank you for trying them.
Again, thank you for your detailed feedback, we always welcome it and we will have a different, natural and only (slightly) sweetened dessert/snack bar coming out later in the year, which may be of interest to you.
As always, please reach out to us if we can assist with anything, we are happy to help!
-Team Purition
Dear Laura,
First of all, we would like to thank you very much for your continued support over the past 5+ years - This means a lot to us and we are so glad that Purition has been part of your life for so long. 😊
We also really appreciate the honest feedback you provided after trying our new KetoTHIS bars, this is important to us and we are sorry that you only enjoyed the Coconut flavour.
We aimed to provide a completely natural, low carbohydrate, high fat, whole food meal bar without any artificial ingredients or sweeteners that can be a convenient option for those that want to stick to their low carb way of eating on the go.
Of course, we know that taste is so personal, so we completely accept that some of the flavours will not be to everyone’s liking and we thank you for trying them.
Please reach out to us if we can assist with anything, we are happy to help!
-Team Purition