“Decided to give Purition a try in an effort to kick start losing some weight. I'm very pleased with the product, didn't expect to like all the flavours that were sent but found them all very tasty. I have gone with adding the product to plain yoghut and then I add some fresh fruit. Delicious”
“I purchased 3 large bags, banana, strawberry and macadamia and vanilla. I’m new to purition so still experimenting. I’m having purition for breakfast. I prefer it in Greek yogurt or mixed with oat milk and warmed as porridge. I’m not keen on the shakes, the gritty texture unfortunately makes me gag. Will stick with it, maybe I should use more liquid so it’s not so thick. I was hoping to loose some weight but so far I’ve put on, which isn’t great. However still experimenting so I will keep going for now.”
“Love Purition, the flavours are so tasty and not overly sweet like most protein shakes. Great nutritional content. I add a banana to mine and it keeps me full until lunchtime 😊”
“Honestly? They’ve changed my life for the better. I’m losing weight without any hunger but they’ve solved a massive problem for me/ I had surgery on my mouth so can’t chew; I was sick of soups and making up smoothies myself but Purition has solved all that. I’m having them twice a day and it’s helping me heal with all the protein. I add a handful of pineapple to the pistachio ( delish!) some blueberries and raspberries to fruity ones and banana to others. I love them so much x thank you Purition x”
“I am so sorry yo leave a low score review. I had such I hopes or maybe I just trued the wrong flavour for me. This morning i had a coffee and walnut, I love both normally. I thought this is going to be the One. No added sugar fantastic. But sadly it was bitter no coffee flavour.i even added an espresso. All I had was an underlying strong taste of I don't know what. 5hrs later. I still have an awful taste in my mouth.
I'm reluctant to try a different flavour tomorrow. 😖”
I'm so sorry that you haven't enjoyed your first experience. We understand that the very low sugar and natural subtle flavour can take a little adjusting to. Both Coffee and Walnuts are naturally bitter so if it's not been sweet enough this is something you can add (to your own taste and preference).
I'll email you directly now so I can help make some serving suggestions and tweaks you can make to make the recipe more to your liking.
“Love this product. So far have only used for 7 days with a 7 day sample order. I have lost a few pounds and also it has stabilised my IBS. Looking foward to my large pack.”
“So easy to make a filling lunch with a variety of flavours and it keeps me full for longer than snacking. The price is for me very reasonable and a really fast delivery time”
“By far the best tasting and the only shake that 'feels' natural as well as claiming to be natural. In fact, if I had big enough cupboards I could buy all the ingredients as nothing is chemical. I used to be put off by the gritty texture, even when using a seriously heavy duty lliquidiser - but soaking overnight (perhaps less) resolves that. Oh and the flavours! I don't think there is one that is not my favourite. So yes, 5 stars and a whole lot of joy. Thank you Purition!”
“At 43 it's suddenly hard to manage weight and appetite but this stuff with yoghurt late morning stops me getting hungry for hours into the afternoon. It has the texture like the crumbly bit of a pudding crumble. I like that it's not powdered or ultra processed too. You can taste the stevia but you get used to it. All the flavours I've tried are nice. Recommended!”
“I have tried ten of the vegan shake flavours, great selection indeed.. am very impressed with the nutrition level and definitely helps with those snacky cravings.. highly recommend!”
“I use the vegan purition, my favourite is the chocolate and hazelnut. It's a great way to get more protein into my diet, keeps me full til lunch and is great for a tasty breakfast! Purition is great for helping me meet my health goals.”
“I have received the small packs to try and started yesterday with the banana one it was lovely. It filled me up and lunchtime I didn’t really need much. I am hoping they will help me stop snacking and if so will buy a couple of the big bags. I will update you on my progress”
“I was apprehensive re the strawberry, as I do not like strawberry milkshake that much, I think that it tastes too artificial BUT Purition have it just perfect for me and I love it, I love every single one...😃”
“I started buying Purition to manage my menopausal weight gain by prioritising protein in my diet. It took a bit of getting used to - a couple of days really but I have found a way that works for me. My go to way is to have it as a yoghurt bowl with fruit. Macadamia and vanilla is the most versatile but I also love cocoa and hazelnut with pears or almond and orange with pineapple or peaches. I feel full and although I weigh only a little less, I am definitely losing fat.”
“I have now got my friend in Germany hooked on Purition and send over bags to her regularly she in turn is recommending it to her friends really delicious way to start the day”
“Very prompt delivery as always. I’m loving all the different flavours and trying new recipes using Purition such as the overnight oats. I love the fact that Purition is not sweet with natural flavours bursting with nutritious ingredients. It keeps me full until my next meal with no temptation to pick or snack which is a big plus factor for me. Purition is now part of my daily eating plan; so much so that I’m taking it away on holiday with me!”