“I have now got my friend in Germany hooked on Purition and send over bags to her regularly she in turn is recommending it to her friends really delicious way to start the day”
“Very prompt delivery as always. I’m loving all the different flavours and trying new recipes using Purition such as the overnight oats. I love the fact that Purition is not sweet with natural flavours bursting with nutritious ingredients. It keeps me full until my next meal with no temptation to pick or snack which is a big plus factor for me. Purition is now part of my daily eating plan; so much so that I’m taking it away on holiday with me!”
“I'm a teacher on summer holidays, wanting to get into a healthy routine which includes eating more whole foods. Purition is a good kick-start! I add it to my overnight oats and find it not only gives me an energy boost, but keeps me feeling fuller for longer as well. Chocolate and hazelnut is my favourite at the moment :)”
“Have stuck to this product from the onset of my first purchase , love all the flavours and the texture.
Noticing a difference with my weight loss and getting into good eating habits with only a small treat daily. Has become part of my daily routine now , have various flavours in so there's always a choice to have. In my opinion it's the best , def wouldn't stop using it now.”
“Easy to prepare, nutritional and tasty meal replacement for those times when time is limited or energy to prepare a snack is lacking. Purition has increased the quality of my life.”
“After a lot of research looking for a meal replacement drink without any nasty ingredients I finally found Purition. What a find! Tastes great, fills me up when I need a quick meal replacement and no artificial ingredients. The only downside is I can't pick a favourite because they all taste good.”
“Love this product!. Tastes GREAT and is HEATHLY! Fast delivery, excellent customer service if needed.
I buy it every time I visit my parents so there's something to eat/drink, as their house is full of sugar and processed foods. Thank you Puritition, you make me happy.”
“I find Purition’s flavours much more natural than any other meal replacements I’ve tried before. Love that it’s also full of protein. Lovely in natural yoghurt with added fruit and also nice as a shake 💕”
“I purchased Purition when they first launched, and loved them. I had a break, as was living out of the country, and have returned to them.. As a daily Yoga gal, I love them prior to practice, to support my energy.. just love them... Thank you”
“I am enjoying Purition as a meal replacement to loose weight. In this first fortnight I have lost 3 lbs! I don't feel hungry between meals and the flavours are lovely.”
“I have researched loads of different companies for their versions of powders and I found Purition the best. The important thing I find is that it's natural, free of additives, and mixes up well. The other deal breaker is that it actually fills you up. You don't feel like you're hungry and missing out. I make a shake with purition, and add spinach, a banana, an apple or berries, and coconut milk. A quick whizz and it's done. All the flavours are great so I get different flavours on each order. It does exactly what its supposed to!”
“I started using Purition when I commenced looking after my granddaughters four days a week. I mix up a smoothie in my blender and drink it before I commence my child minding duties. It keeps me going until lunchtime. Occasionally if too tired to cook when I get home I reach for another Purition smoothie, in the knowledge I’m getting all the nutrients I need. Plus as it’s GF I don’t have to worry about it being a problem to my Coeliac disease.
My all time favourite is Chocolate & Hazelnut.”