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We develop high-quality Health & Safety and HR compliance eLearning courses that help you comply with legislation!

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Quite helpful training but the information was quite basic.
Helpful Report
Clear videos and explanations; videos were a little drab and monosyllabic though.
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I think it stated the obvious too many times
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Simple to use and easy to understand
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Easy to follow and informative
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How Does Foam Extinguish The Fire. Foam extinguishes Class A Fires by cooling the burning material and removing the heat from the combustion triangle. Foam extinguishes Class B Fires by covering the flammable liquid with a foam blanket, thus cutting off the oxygen supply from the combustion process. The question in the test was not clear enough to provide the correct answer. The question did not ask which class of fire it was relevant to.
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Thank you for your feedback after completing our training yesterday. I have spoken with our Creative & Development Team about this and as a result, they have now closed this question pending them reviewing and amending it for the future. Thank you again for bringing this to our attention. Please do feel free to come back to me directly if you have any questions or if there is anything else I can help with. Best Regards Amanda Lowndes hello@ihasco.co.uk
It was very clear and did nottake long to complete.
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Excellent information
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The training can be useful, though I'd personally recommend speaking to your IT team (if you have one) or read up cyber security. Some of the questions from the tests at the end are contradictory to the answers you would think are correct. Also, I personally would say, the password test is a bit broken....(e.g. making your password 64 typed 8 times is a password that will take 3 million years to break??) Subtitles don't exist despite there being an option for this on the videos (how is a deaf person at work going to do the training? There are no sign language options available either.) Also, this training is about learning to be cyber safe. However, the training uses external links for documents and even has a disclaimer saying the iHASCO is not responsible if these links are changed or hacked (um, slightly ironic? How do I know I'm not going to download a virus or inappropriate content on my computer? Is that not the slightest bit going against the cyber security I'm learning about?) If improvements were made to the training modules, then I'd probably recommend this - but, as previously mentioned, I think you get your training from somewhere else, or you can research this subject yourself.
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Hi, Thank you for your honest thoughts. We respect and appreciate all feedback. It helps us improve our content and user experience. We do have the option to enable transcripts on all our courses and we are currently adding subtitles to our entire course library. I will pass your feedback onto our Creative & Development Team to investigate further this morning. Please do feel free to come back to me directly if you have any questions or if there is anything else I may be able to help with. Thank you again. Best Regards Amanda Lowndes hello@ihasco.co.uk
Although the food hygiene course was easy to follow and understand, it was made very tedious by using one man to deliver all of the information. This was then repeated at the end of each short video on a slide...one or the other would have been adequate...preferably without the monotone delivery!
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The person presenting the video was at least clear and engaging. However, the test involved learning random statistics on road fatalities. I am not sure how knowing if it's 75 or 100 fatalities per month/week etc makes me a better/safer driver however.
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Heureux n'est pas l'adjectif que je choisirais ! Cette formation s'adresse uniquement pour les personnes concernées ! PDG, RH, Comptabilité, Organisations marketing ou locatives diverses, Commerces, centres d'appels, etc... En tant que personne physique et morale de moi-même, je veille sur mes propres données !
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Merci pour vos commentaires honnêtes après avoir terminé notre formation. Notre formation GDPR est destinée à tous ceux qui manipulent des données personnelles. Il offre une large compréhension du règlement général sur la protection des données, ou RPGD, qui vise à préserver la sécurité des données à caractère personnel et à protéger les intérêts des personnes qui en sont le propriétaire.
A slightly woolly subject with no clear delineation between the strictly legal requirements , and what might constitute good practice in an organisation.
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Thank you for your feedback Tom. Would you mind letting me know which course you are referring to please? I can then speak with our Creative & Development Team about this and ways this could be improved. I look forward to hearing back from you. Best Regards Amanda Lowndes hello@ihasco.co.uk
I found this very informative & enlightening! but I think I should have paid more attention!
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You are left in no doubt about the dangers. Perhaps the course could content more on the types of asbestos, uses and examples. Showing real video or photo of asbestos pipe lagging, ceiling tiles and wall materials would be really really useful
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Thank you for your feedback Gwyn. All feedback is gratefully received as it helps us improve the training content and experience. I will reflect this back to our Creative & Development team to review. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with. Best regards Amanda Lowndes hello@ihasco.co.uk
It didn't
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A question was asked that had not been covered and only came up a few slides into the next section. Overall the course was good, but some of the content was more dictionary definition, rather than new information
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Thank you for your feedback. To enable me to investigate this further would you mind emailing me directly to let me know which course you experienced this with please? I look forward to hearing back from you. Best Regards Amanda Lowndes hello@ihasco.co.uk
I wanted to retake the exam to make sure I got things right but it wouldn't let me
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The training is clear. However, I prefer to read rather than listen to information being given. I used the transcript but read much faster than the video went. This meant I was frustrated waiting for the speaker to finish.
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Be good to add a reading list- one thinks of Kahneman's "Thinking Fast and Slow" for those wanting to dive a bit deeper.
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Good Afternoon Thank you for your feedback. I have spoken with our Creative Team and they are going to look into this further. She actually went as far to say she has this book on her bookshelf to read herself! Please let me know if there is anything else we can help with. Kind regards Amanda Lowndes hello@ihasco.co.uk
iHasco is rated 4.7 based on 2,992 reviews