Shipping & Delivery
Delivery Methods
Postal Service
Average Delivery Time
Next Day
On-time Delivery
Accurate And Undamaged Orders
Customer Service
Communication Channels
Email, Telephone, Live Chat
Queries Resolved In
Under An Hour
Customer Service
About UK Planning Maps:
UK Planning Maps is a quick and easy source of maps and plans for your planning applications. We offer maps in a full range of scales and formats.
Selecting your map is easy. Our website works on all computers, and all browsers – no specialist software is needed.
You can highlight areas in a red or blue boundary and add your own notes.
Most customers place their orders within 3 minutes with our simple online ordering process. Plans are ready to download immediately, whatever time of day you place your order.
With every order we automatically offer 6 free prints of your map in addition to your electronic copy, just select the tick box when ordering.
01856 898 022
Unit 9 The Mart Kirkwall KW15 1FL