Top Furniture have a Customer Happiness Grade of A-. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service and are happy with their refunds.
Excellent quality at excellent price. Good, solid table with a small footprint that opens up to double the size. Plenty of leg room too. Exceeded expectations!
- Liz
Delivery was excellent, piece of furniture was fabulous better than expected and at a great price
- Lesley
Purchased sideboard sold as ex display ata reduced price. Before I made the purchase Tops furnutre sent photos showing a small dent at the back and a couple of marks. Easliy fixed and good as new !
Quick delivery. We are delighted with this purchase.
Perfect furniture. Perfect showroom staff. Perfect delivery staff. Will definitely purchase more furniture from you. Thanks so much. Can’t wait for dressing table to arrive b
- Carole Sayce
Very happy with my chest of drawers. Delivery men were polite and kept me up to date and time of delivery.
- Susan
Yes a good experience with this company. They double checked delivery instructions, all done in a timely manner. Everything arrived as expected, packaged well.
I would recomend.
- Anonymous
We have asked for a refund but the company wants us to repack everything ourselves which we feel unable to do without the correct materials.
- Jean
Recently purchased coffee table from Top Furniture , of which had a manufacturing problem , reported to sales team , who offered partial refund or replacement.
After negotiating partial refund , all was handled with speed and professionalism.
Regards Ray
- Ray
Perfect for advice and sending a sample, ordering, keeping in touch about delivery, delivery and promptly sorting out a very small damage to the furniture.
Beautiful piece of furniture and immediately given advice on how to repair the tiny damage and given a partial refund without even asking for one.
- Isabella
1st class quality furniture and brilliant customer service
Service was fantastic and the furniture was even better than l thought will be buying more furniture from you
- Rita Henry
Chairs good quality. Delivery service excellent.
- Judith