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Suntransfers.com Reviews

4.6 Rating 11,768 Reviews
76 %
of reviewers recommend Suntransfers.com
Based on 11,768 reviews
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Own Driver
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Next Day
On-time Delivery
Greater than 55%
Accurate And Undamaged Orders
Greater than 84%
Customer Service
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Live Chat, Email, Telephone
Queries Resolved In
Under An Hour
Customer Service
2.5 out of 5
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About Suntransfers.com:

Founded in 2008, Suntransfers.com has swiftly grown to become Europe's favourite private airport transfer company. We now provide an unrivalled choice of services and destinations ranging from VIP city transfers to low cost holiday taxis operated from more than 500 airports and travel gateways worldwide.

Millions of customers will experience our great value service this year and their complete satisfaction remains our highest priority. Much of our success over the years has been down to having a great team who are dedicated to providing our customers with great value airport transfers combined with unbeatable customer service.

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Arrived on the Island of Sal expecting a taxi driver holding a board with my name on it, We waited 30 minutes whilst I tried to ring both of the phone numbers on the voucher, no answer and they never rang back. I have now emailed Suntranfers for a refund and there reply is it will take 20 days to investigate my claim ridiculous. Very poor service will never use them again nor would I recommend them.
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Posted 2 weeks ago
Supreme Asset was incredible in helping me reclaim my $203,000 investment from a scam platform. Their professionalism and expertise were evident throughout the process, providing clear guidance and regular updates. They worked tirelessly to ensure a successful recovery, and I couldnโ€™t be more grateful for their help. I highly recommend them to anyone facing a similar situation. Contact them at ๐Ÿ“ง ๐„๐ฆ๐š๐ข๐ฅ: ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐ซ๐ž๐ฆ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ž๐ญ๐Ÿ•@๐ ๐ฆ๐š๐ข๐ฅ.๐œ๐จ๐ฆ ๐จ๐ซ ๐Ÿ“ฒ ๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ๐ฌ๐€๐ฉ๐ฉ: +๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ‘-๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ–-๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—-๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ—-๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ซ๐ž๐ฅ๐ข๐š๐›๐ฅ๐ž ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐ž๐œ๐ญ๐ข๐ฏ๐ž ๐š๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ง๐œ๐ž.โ€
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Voor ons gezelschap van 4 volwassenen had ik voor de zekerheid een busje voor 7 pers. incl. bagage gereserveerd voor de transfers in Sharm el Sheikh. Bij aankomst werden we netjes opgewacht door een medewerker met een bordje met onze naam er op. Aangekomen op de parkeerplaats stond er geen busje voor 7 pers. voor ons klaar maar een personenauto met -gelukkig- een grote kofferbak. Na veel passen en meten lukte het de chauffeur uiteindelijk onze 4 koffers in de achterbak gepropt te krijgen, de handbagage en trolleys moesten bij ons op schoot. Geen probleem verder, gelukkig was het maar een kort ritje naar ons hotel. Je zou denken dat het voor de retourtransfer dan beter geregeld zou worden door Suntransfer maar helaas.... De chauffeur was een half uur te vroeg waardoor wij onze laatste maaltijd in het hotel hals over kop af moesten breken. Dat was echter niet het grootste probleem want ook deze keer was er geen busje gestuurd om ons op te halen maar een gewone personenauto met een (te) kleine kofferbak. Hier pasten hooguit 2 normale koffers in! De chauffeur reageerde in eerste instantie geรฏrriteerd omdat wij 4 koffers bij ons hadden en dat natuurlijk nooit ging passen, alsof dat onze schuld was! Dat veranderde toen wij hem de reserveringsbevestiging voor een busje lieten zien. Hij heeft wat telefoontjes gepleegd en geregeld dat er binnen 10 minuten een busje kwam waar alles wel in kon. Uiteindelijk zijn we toch nog op tijd op het vliegveld aangekomen. In dit geval hadden we dus geluk dat de chauffeur te vroeg aanwezig was waardoor deze vertraging van een half uur gelukkig geen probleem opleverde. Uiteindelijk is het allemaal goed gekomen en netjes opgelost maar Suntransfers heeft hier wel wat steekjes laten vallen.
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Posted 3 months ago
Md Ismail ali
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
I was extremely disappointed with the service we received from sun transfer in Faro airport! We've used Suntransfer many times and have always been delighted with the drivers appearance and demeanor as well as the punctual service! However this year we waited 25 minutes at Faro; I acknowledge the flight was early but surely if the driver has the flight number he/she can see when the relevant plane arrives!! I had to ring the office and when the driver did eventually arrived his attire was not extremely casual to the point of untidy!! The vehicle was described as as an executive minibus which it certainly was not! The seats had holes in them and the interior was not clean!!! The driver on the return to the airport initially went to the wrong address and didn't speak a civil word to us throughout the journey. He dropped us off quite a distance from the entrance moreover the step down from the van to the pavement was ridiculously high and as we were all in our 70s it was not acceptable! So in conclusion I was so disappointed and I will be looking for alternative arrangements next year!!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
Die Hinfahrt war in Ordnung, aber die Rรผckfahrt war furchtbar! Es geht um den Transfer am 16.09.24 vom Seher Resort und Spa zum Flughafen Antalya. Der Fahrer kam um 7 Uhr an und ging erst einmal auf die Toilette. Ok, kein Problem, er war ca. 10 Minuten dort. Spรคter wurde mir klar, dass er wohl versucht hat, sich etwas aufzufrischen, um nicht so mรผde zu sein. Wir sind etwa 40 Minuten in Richtung Flughafen Antalya gefahren, und ich musste ihn zweimal an den Schultern rรผtteln, weil er fast eingeschlafen ist! Ich habe ihn daraufhin gefragt, ob er zu mรผde sei, und er antwortete mit "JA". Er hat sich ins Gesicht geschlagen und fuhr dann weiter. Das ist empรถrend! Wir waren mit einem kleinen Kind unterwegs und wirklich gestresst! Ich hoffe, dass der Fahrer entlassen wird. Ich werde Ihre Dienstleistungen nicht mehr in Anspruch nehmen und wรผrde Ihre Firma auch niemandem weiterempfehlen. Schรถnen Tag noch.
Helpful Report
Posted 5 months ago
Antalya Auf dem Hinweg war unser Fahrer nicht da, so dass nach ca. 20min ein anderer Fahrer eingesprungen ist, dieser hat dann nach knapp einer Stunde Fahrzeit die von den Bummelbussen bekannte 15 min. Pause an den Tankstellen gemacht, also genau dass was wir vermeiden wollten. Auf dem Rรผckweg, sind wir trotz Buchung eines VIP Shuttles mit einem normalen 9sitzigen Kleinbus abgeholt worden. Ganz klare Abweichungen zur beschriebenen Leistung.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 months ago
Pick up at Madrid Airport was smooth and easy. I was not picked up from the Marriott bonvoy and waited 20 minutes past the pickup time before I engaged a taxi as I was concerned about my time with an international flight. I texted twice about a refund through the automated service. First time no reply at all. Second time I received and automated reply that it would be checked out. No reply. No refund. Not happy as I travel alone and I am 74 years old.
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Posted 7 months ago
Beim Hinflug nach ร„gypten ist alles gut gelaufen. Beim Rรผckflug allerdings ne Katastrophe. Fahrer nicht gekommen. Habe dann von Suntransfers erfahren, dass ich mich selbst um den Transfer kรผmmern muss. Und zu guter letzt habe ich noch nicht mal die Hรคlfte meiner Kosten erstattet bekommen. Bisher war ich immer zufrieden mit Suntransfer. Aber was diesmal passiert ist, ist ne Unverschรคmtheit
Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
This is supposed to be a "door-to-door" service. I was dropped near my accommodation on arrival, but I had to drag all my luggage along a dirt track and find it myself. The return pick-up was even further away, at a crossroads, with no seating. I turned up early and stood for half an hour waiting for a shuttle that never turned up. I eventually got a taxi which cost me โ‚ฌ50.
Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
Best to update your Malta arrival info, There is no Costa coffee and no coaches only signs, everything has changed at the airport And the transfer kiosk wasnโ€™t sun transfer it was supreme transfer Very confusing
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Airport Tenerife sud. I booked and payed in advance since we were traveling with my parents and my grandchildren (age 3,2 and 1/2). There were nobody to meet us with our name in the arrival sone. Then we went to the desk 36 and had to stand in line. When it was my turn we had to wait 15 min for the taxi. They had seats for the infant og the child. At pick ut from the hotel they met on time for us. But arrived 15 min late for my other family. When they arrived at the airport they also had to go to the desk 36 and stand in line. Then wait for the taxi, and when the taxi came the driver should have a break so they sat in the taxi 15 min waiting. The driver drive fast so they felt unsafe. When they should be picked up at the hotel to get to the aiport no driver showed up. The called him after 11 min after sceduled time, and the driver said he was 3 min away. That is 15 min late. But they could not find the driver and nobody looked for them so after 30 min late they were picked up. They almost missed the flight. Dont use Suntransfer if you think it would be a smooth pickup and reliable regarding time and apointment.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Really poor service, waited so long for the driver to turn up. The coordinator was so rude and unapologetic. Will not book them again and will never recommend ๐Ÿ˜ก
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Our experience with this company in Zanzibar was good regarding airport transfers to and from the hotel in 23.11 and 03.12. The driver Haji was punctual and courteous. Despite trusting them based on this positive experience, we encountered issues during a day private trip we paid $250 for. The agreed services were not fully provided: we were taken to a smaller spice farm instead of the original owned by the government, and our time in Stone Town was cut short - only 30 minutes going to the car parked far away from the harbour. The guide Mohamed returned the entrance fees unused to the driver instead of us. Even if we exposed to Mr. Rashid what we want to do and where we want to go, he assured us we have enough tine, but after the trip we consultated other local persons that told us it was impossible to attain all the schedules points of interest in due time. Attempts to contact Rashid for a refund were unsuccessful. We also experienced deceptive practices, like the driver overcharging for fruits - we asked him to stop to a market, he assured us is better to go by himself to buy products because of extra- charge of tourists, but he requested from us 10 usd ( ?!) for 2 avocado, 2 mango, 1 papaya and 4 bananas. Requesting a refund system and better service accountability is crucial, especially given the lack of fiscal documentation for the $250 payment. You as multinational company are prejudiced by your representatives in Zanzibar and provide a bad experience to your customers.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
We had to wait 90 minutes on a Suntransfers bus to make a move. With the loads of stops before our stop, a journey that should take 30 minutes turned into 160 minutes. We were on the bus at mi-night and got off after 2:30 in the morning! Well don Sunttransfers!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
The entire team was wonderful except for the dispatcher or communicator on our final day. Whoever sent the confirmation text for time and place of pickup from our hotel to the airport did not specify which of the 3 Reef hotels we were at beyond PDC but the details were technically correct. So I didn't think anything of it since everything was seamless on the way from the airport to the hotel. Well, the next morning the driver (a different person and a very nice man) went to wrong location and I was blamed for confirming the wrong hotel. This person went right to fight mode and was very argumentative. We had plenty of time so it wasn't an issue but I don't like being accused of things that are not my fault. I should state, I have over 20 years in customer service and retail management. I know the customer is not always right but service is service. A simple sorry for the miscommunication was all it would have taken but we ended up in a text battle. I eventually said i could get a cab if they would refund my money but that seems to be the reaction they were expecting because there was renewed blame and refusal for a refund. Eventually, when I explained that I didn't need the money back as long as the driver was coming and that I only suggested it because this person's customer service was terrible, things calmed down. We made it to the airport with time to spare but the interaction put a terrible taste in my mouth and I will never use Suntransfers again.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Had transfer problems on both arrivals and departures. On arrival they were a no show. Rang customer service, but it was all in Spanish so struggled to understand what happened. They sent a public taxi to pick us up. On departure they picked up the wrong people so left us stranded at reception. Ended up in local taxi again and delayed for our flight home. A lot of panic.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
All costs should be calculated during the reservation and payment process. They called me a few days later asking for extra money for children's seats. They knew that I was travelling with children (and knew their ages), so if child seats were obligatory, they shouldn't let me finish the reservation without adding these. I found it a try to charge an extra fee and cancelled the whole reservation. If you don't like to be surprised in such a way, I don't recommend them.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Arrived at Faro airport and no trace of the driver. On the third occasion I passed the area I found him. He made no attempt to assist with luggage. Car had a stain in the seat and driver never spoke once during the journey. He then demanded payment in cash as he said he had no machine for a card transaction. Very poor service. I contacted the company at the time to complain and they weren't the least interested. They said all their vehicles were being used so used another company for our journey. Not good enough.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Ordered a premium minivan that seats 6 people and 6 bags for two of us. On arrival at faro, waited 8-10 minutes and then a normal taxi picks us up. Whilst this was adequate and driver was courteous, its not what I ordered or paid for. I paid for a premium vehicle and not a standard taxi. Clearly the organiser saw there were only two of us so decided we didn't need what we had paid for and a normal car was adequate. Difficult to contact and waiting to see if get reimbursed, not optimistic. Uber would have been much quicker and cheaper.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Suntransfers.com is rated 4.6 based on 11,768 reviews