“Very basic course, snippets of valuable information but certainly not a week’s worth of valuable content. Truthfully I feel like the course is a major box ticking exercise, but I could see how some people get value from the course. If you don’t know how to write a cover letter and CV I’d advise attending, however if you’ve been taught to a higher educational standard and have corporate experience, I’m not sure how much value you’ll get out of it”
Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback, your review is appreciated. We always aim to provide excellent training to people of all levels, so we value your input! 🙂
“Not very helpful very students are not same
Some are slow some are fast at writing
But when given an explanation we are given time if you are not finished the teacher move to another question and then you have to answer the question that you’re Owen time with now other help”
Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback, your review is appreciated. We always aim to provide excellent training and we value your input. Please contact our team directly - we can address your concerns and work towards a solution. 🙂
“Trainer needs to slow down and take learner need in consideration. It will helpful to give examples and not just move to the next exercise.
And the course should have more civil services exercises.”
“Did you hire a ten year old from Southern California to write the wording for this email?
"We hope you’ve gained a bunch of knowledge and skills from your course!
Now that you’re about to finish it, could you take a second (literally) to rate your experience with the course?"”
“Zoom course not appropriate to be done over zoom, a 2 week course could have been done in 3 or 4 days without the constant need for formating and collating and presenting slide shows that didn't really aid in learning anything useful to a day to day role. It was an entry level course. Why am I spending a day planning celebrity security?”
“I attended a Civil Service course, after ten years of attending employability E3. I need to catch up I’m glad I did attend. They are very helpful to me l achieve my goal of a targeted cv. onward the third day of training l took a photo.”
“I was enjoying the course until I was asked to blur my background picture due to someone saying it had racist connotations. I felt attacked and violated in my own home and very uncomfortable and insecure on the course. The complainant had his complaint actioned and agreed with by the tutor.”
“This course was super unprofessional, my host kept speaking about her personal life when it had no relevance to the course. It was super slow as well, content that can be done in 2 hours was made to take the whole day because often I had to wait on people to finish the task to even move on to the next one. In the future, I recommend allowing individuals to do self-study and not to be made to wait on other people as we have things to get on within our own lives. This course wasn't helpful and it just covered the basics.”
“The information given was minimal, basically just completing online forms. I completed the course in June. It is now almost November and I still do not have my certificate.”
Hi there Anonymous,
Thank you for leaving a review. We are very disappointed to hear that your learner experience was not a positive one. We think your reference to 'online forms' is the course portfolio which is the demonstration that you understand the content you are being taught, so that you can receive your accredited qualification. As you would have known, we have a feedback mechanism throughout the course and after the course, and we are sure you would have let us know specific issues you had. We would certainly have discussed these internally and improved our provision accordingly.
Regarding the certificate, the general certification process is normally from 6-8 weeks. However, due to the pandemic, the Awarding Bodies service has been impacted which can cause a delay. We are working hard to distribute all the certificates that we have received in a timely manner and we send a multiple emails and texts as soon as the certificates are ready.
For all queries regarding certification please email us on certification@strivetraining.co.uk. When contacting us please include the following information:
• Full Name
• Title of the qualification
• Contact details and address.
Thank you again for sharing your thoughts - we are determined to do better for every learner!
Thank you so very much for your comments, which we really do appreciate! We are sorry that your experience was not up to our usual standards. We have taken on board your feedback which has been forwarded to the director himself. Thank you once again for taking the time to leave a review!