“The course was great, It was very engaging and very open-minded in trying to assist me and others look and help in getting into work. Jonathan Bestwick was a great tutor very informative, relaxed, and helpful Thank you, Jonathan”
“Great tutor. Great environment. Safe place to build your confidence and to express your questions and your thoughts. I am looking forward to more courses.”
“This was a good experience and a very insightful way to learn the ease of applying and answering interviews questions within the civil servant's jobs”
“Useful to break down the process step by step. Moved a bit slowly but would've been too intense to be working at max speed for so long every day. Really great tutor (Jonathan) who was very clear and precise in his explanations.”
“Steve Carr was an excellent tutor very enthusiastic and engaging.
He made sure we understood what he was teaching and helped all the time.
Making sure we were always up to date and always letting us know he was there to help.
Thank you, Steve”