“Excellent tutor. Brilliant group of people. In-depth and informative course well laid out and delivered in a manner that allowed us all to digest the information very well.
Fantastic for anyone who is maybe in need of that extra little confidence, knowledge about CVs, applications and getting through the interview processes. The mystery and sheer wall that it appeared before now feels more like a brisk moving stream.
Would highly recommend.”
“This course was great. I gained lots of knowledge about the civil service and I’m looking forward to getting myself ready to apply for a civil servant role. Steve was great at teaching the course.”
“If you can keep up with the virtual nature of the training by having a good audio, a functioning laptop/phone and can manoeuvre emails, you will benefit greatly from the training. The presentations you're sent via email are packed with knowledge and the teachers are extremely patient with people of all backgrounds.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed the course and improved my knowledge and skills in hospitality. Our tutor, Tina was quite supportive, encouraging, engaging and knowledgeable. The whole experience was outstanding.”
“The course was very informative and explicit…the tutor was excellent and very patient, considering it was a big class… she was very tolerant, having to answer the same questions repeatedly.. with a smile on her face …. all in alll… I enjoyed the class thoroughly”
“The course content was good as it covered the key skills needed to secure employment. Having the opportunity to meet new people from different backgrounds was fun and a good way of practising how to network and interact in a safe environment.”
“The course was really interesting and challenging in a good way. It taught me a lot and helped me improve on the things I wanted to focus on. I wanted to learn about how to make applications and how to properly write a CV as well as improve my interview skills.”
“It was amazing. The team are so superb. Tina is an amazing lady and very supportive.
I learned a lot from the course which will help me in future at place of work and in my own business in future.
I am so excited that l was able to complete the course.
Thanks so much strive training”
“Strive Training was excellen learning course and our trainer Jonathan was very polite, helpful, and supportive to me. I feel happy completing this course and look forward to finding new job.”
This is the second course I've taken with you (the first helped me get a job at Ingeus).
If you're looking for employees, I am seriously interested! All the trainers I've experienced have been excellent and I think my skills would fit in nicely. I can always write a 'targeted' application if appropriate!
“An excellent course, which has helped my job interview preparations immensely.
As a newcomer to online video meetings, a real confidence booster.
Well done, Strive!”
“I very much enjoyed the content of the course, Trina explained everything so brilliantly and was very approachable when I needed to ask questions for clarification. I have gained more confidence in the job search process and hope to this apply this to future employment searches.”