“I was thinking the day before the end of the course that if Steve Carr wasn't a 10 out of 10 what would be the difference? And I couldn't think of anything. The course materials are really fabulous. It was new to me to do an entire week-long conference call via Zoom and that was useful in itself in terms of desensitizing myself to any concerns I might have had about the use of the digital format. The material specifically for applying to civil service jobs was extremely useful. All in all it was brilliant and I enjoyed it.”
“I think the course overall is great. Especially, if you are, lacking in:
1. how to compose (and have) an effective CV that you are proud of.
2. How to approach and answer STAR-based application questions.
3. How to handle an interview.
My only criticism is the last day of the course, Risk Assessment, does not compliment the rest of the course. Most employers will go over this once you secured a role, this isn't something, I feel will help you in gaining employment.”
“My Strive course in Business Admin came four months into my job search. I am trying to change sector aged 50+. I'd almost given up hope. The course was so much more than just an online course. I've done Open University online and that was quite an isolating experience. Not so with Strive, I felt like my Tutor cared about us students. She was very nurturing, and interesting. She brought the modules to life for us. I learned a lot of valuable information and I began to feel a bit more confident again. The group was a great bunch and it was good that to be with people who were all job-seeking like me. It now feels like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I can't recommend Strive enough.”
“I can't stress enough, how useful this course has been. I have a clear idea now how the application process for the civil service works and what is expected of the applicant. The process was broken down into manageable chunks and useful information was provided at every stage. I can now use this independently for any applications, civil service or not. It will also be useful for everyday life.”
“The course was an eye opener into the real world of civil service. Trina, my tutor, has led by example and constantly demonstrated a very positive attitude and strong work ethic throughout. A gifted Tutor. Thank you”
“The tutor was brilliant and made the course content and lessons engaging and interesting. I feel much more confident in my ability to apply for a job and interview technique. I would highly recommend this course for any one needing help with all aspects of finding a job.”
“Thoroughly enjoyed the course. When I first looked at the Civil service job application forms I was overwhelmed. Trina Brady was a great tutor who explained everything in detail and helped us break down the job adverts into sections. I leave this course with more confidence in my search for a new job. I would love to do more courses with Strive Training and more courses with Trina Brady.”
“Well run short course for those looking to work in the civil service. Help with cv writing and applying for work as well as how to prepare for and approach interviews. Good for those wanting to go back to work after taking a break or anyone wanting a civil service job. Plenty of links and resources given as well as advice on how to improve”
“Good course with effective tips that I wasn't aware of before, such as with applications, CV, cover letters, interviews. Good course tutor, with useful knowledge on the civil service etc.”
“A great course accessible and informative, I came away with a much better understanding of how to adapt my job search and applications to the Civil Service.”
“The Civil employability course was an eye-opener, in all aspects of finding Civil job sites, applying, the STAR behavioral answers, mock interviews and lots more covered in a span of 5 days.”