“Loved the course! Tutor (Antonia) was inspiring and the week just flew by. Going forward the CV writing software and the interview skills gained will be highly useful.”
“I learned a lot of valuable information regarding applying for a job at the civil service. I feel more confident in my ability to identify the key values of a company and reflect on how my own attributes align with these values. Furtheremore, how to communicate when writing a CV and cover letter.”
“Trainer needs to slow down and take learner need in consideration. It will helpful to give examples and not just move to the next exercise.
And the course should have more civil services exercises.”
“The Strive trading course was extremely useful in preparing me to find my perfect job. I received lots of guidance and resources which I shall put into effect immediately.
Thank you very much to my tutor, Antonia Kyriacou, for being an excellent and successful mentor.
“The training and the tutor provided for the training was very informative and engaging. The course was strutured in a way that was very helpful and clear to understand.”
“It was an excellent week, which I thoroughly enjoyed with a great tutor (Antonia). I've gained a lot of new skills and knowledge on Civil Service Jobs and how to search and tailor an application. Thank you.”
“Antonia has made a great representation of Strive training, because of this, I have been attentive to all the employability skills that I can improve on and make a difference in my own life.
I encourage anyone to partake in this course as it allows you to have great introspection as to how you see yourself against the world and employ the strength to tackle and achieve any big dream or job desired.”