“Was not sure at first but after a friend of mine went through their early cash release service. Been fully updated and the process has been excellent. Very happy with the results”
“I have received excellent customer service throughout my pension release application process. Was not sure at first but the service has been excellent the cash release is on its way...”
“Best decision I have made to help release much need cash fro my business, I had a pension and just wanted the cash from it. Turned to sell pension and was a great decision has now have much needed cash flow to support my business. Highly recommended for sure....”
“Really is a great service better than most I have received in the past, only reliable cash release service I have personally received. Money released safely and securely”
“A fast and timely pension release service that has not disappointed at all. Fantastic cash release service from a good company, certainly no complaints from me at all. My application process was smooth and the updates was provided on a regular basis allowed me to be full of confidence and am very pleased with the end results”
“Just received my pension cash from my pension early. The service was great and much quicker than I expected. Application process was simple and easy, highly recommended to use if you want your money”
“Fantastic early cash pension release, cash received and could not be happier!! Contacted sell pension a few months back and now am very happy with how everything has turned out. Sellpension is a great company”
“Very good at getting your pension CASH! Good at what they do and they really cared. Unlike some other companies there was no list hard selling. Totally left to it to make my own mind up and also the level of information was perfect and not to little and not to much.”
“What a great cash release service! Going to be a good Xmas for me and my family this year. We released just over. £5000. Great service overall and friendly customer service”
“Amazing! Very happy! Just got my
Pension Cash this morning and could not be happier especially with Xmas now around the corner. This is by far the best pension release service I have used.”
“Asked to write a honest review about Sell Pension services and happy to do so. Cash received from my pension in a ferry easy manner. The cash is going to come in very handy. Great service!”
“Cash received! Excellent cash pension early service. I have a old pension that I wanted to access early. Spoke with Sell Pension and my journey has been very smooth. Recommend service”
“Sold my pensions d released cash very easily. My customer service manager; Claire was such a big help. She provided updates and helpful in terms of letting me know when the cash would arrive from my pension. Good service”
“Recently lost my job so I cannot thank Sell Pension enough for the early cash release service they have provided. The service was simple and the information provided was very useful. Good service and happy to recommend”
“At the time of writing my review I can honestly say that my early cash release application has been going very well indeed. The staff are very friendly and soon to release my cash which will be helpful.”
“I wanted my pension cash released and definitely chose the right company! Recommended through a friend of mine, the cash release service has been excellent”