PVC Strip Doors have a Customer Happiness Grade of A. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service.
Good price for a well made product. Faster delivery than expected
Good job, Thanks
- Ph****
Good value and good quality for the price.
Excellent service and quick delivery,I have received the goods in 3 days.
- Ratnasingam Bask****
Super service, fair price, not yet fitted them as it’s a Bank holiday but look good to me…
- P****
good quality, efficient and fast delivery
- Lynne Wi****
Good price for a well made product. Faster delivery than expected
Good job, Thanks
- Ph****
Excellent product, very prompt delivery. Many Thanks
- Bar****
Brilliant service from start to finish. Professional and friendly service, thanks to Laura Aldridge for handling this request.
- Anony****
The doors were very easy to order, they are very reasonably priced, and they arrived promptly. They were nice and easy to install. Would recommend. Brilliant service.
- Cl****