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About PikPerfect AG:

Our designers create Photo Books and Wedding Albums you'll cherish for life!

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PikPerfect AG 5 star review on 6th March 2025
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PikPerfect AG 5 star review on 6th March 2025
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PikPerfect AG 5 star review on 21st February 2025
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PikPerfect AG 5 star review on 21st February 2025
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PikPerfect AG 5 star review on 21st February 2025
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PikPerfect AG 5 star review on 21st February 2025
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PikPerfect AG 5 star review on 21st February 2025
Tim A
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
The book looks nice. I was disappointed about how long the book took to send to the printers after I created it and paid for express shipping. The book came 6 days after its intended event, even though that information was included in the order, so there was no effort to meet it. I learned that you need 4-5 weeks to print. As well the cover fonts had limited options.
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Posted 3 months ago
Hi Karen, Thank you for your feedback, we’re sorry to hear you were disappointed with your experience. After reviewing your order, I can confirm the book was delivered within our quoted lead time of 12-15 business days. We had also advised at the time of your order that, due to the busy holiday season, we may be unable to expedite production further. Regarding the cover font, we do offer customized embossing which offers complete flexibility in design and font choices. However, you opted for standard text embossing, which has a limited font selection. We’re pleased to hear you liked the overall look of the book and hope it will still serve as a cherished keepsake. Thank you for your feedback—it helps us continue to improve. Kind regards, Sonja
Posted 3 months ago
Leider bin ich von Produkt nicht überzeugt. Ich habe einen weissen Leineneinband mit schwarzem Druck, die schwarze Druckfarbe ist leider verschmirrt.
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Posted 4 months ago
Liebe Lara, es tut uns sehr leid, dass du nicht 100% mit deinem Album zufrieden bist. Könntest du uns bitte ein paar Fotos schicken von dem, was du beschreibst? Dann kann sich unser Produktionsteam das anschauen. Wie in unserer Qualitätsgarantie beschrieben finden wir für eventuelle Produktionsfehler ganz sicher eine Lösung. Danke dir! Herzliche Grüsse, Sonja
Posted 4 months ago
Quality of photos is not up to standard
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Posted 5 months ago
Hi Kristina, We're sorry to hear you are not entirely happy with your Wedding Guest Book.  We took a look at your order and see that your photos have been shot with softer neutral colors, they will print the same way in the album. That said, if you feel they do not match the originals, please send us some photos of this - if an error was made in print, we'll certainly make this right. Best regards, Sonja
Posted 5 months ago
Habs über Internet bestellt, laut da sind 4 Seiten zu viel gewesen, habs sie dann gelöscht und jetzt sind 4 leere Seite im Album! Für den Preis nicht nach meinem Geschmack!
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Posted 10 months ago
Liebe Vanessa, es tut uns leid, dass dein Buch leere Seiten hatte, obwohl du dies nicht wolltest. Bei uns kam deine Bestellung mit den leeren Seiten an und wird dann auch genauso gedruckt, aber natürlich liegt uns daran, dass du mit deinem Album zu 100% zufrieden bist. Unser Kundenservice hat sich bereits mit dir in Verbindung gesetzt. Danke schon jetzt für deine Rückmeldung! Herzliche Grüsse, Sonja
Posted 10 months ago
Deutlich verspätete Lieferung trotz Expressversand. Das Album selber ist sehr hochwertig und edel.
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Posted 1 year ago
Hallo Joern, danke für dein Feedback. Wir freuen uns, dass dir dein Album gefällt. Und wir verstehen, dass es heutzutage üblich ist, bestellte Produkte schnell zu erhalten. Obwohl deine Bestellung lange nach unserer angekündigten Frist für Weihnachten bei uns eintraf und wir darauf hingewiesen hatten, dass es länger als üblich dauern würde, wurde dein Album kurz nach Neujahr zugestellt (trotz geschlossener Produktion zwischen den Jahren). Für einen kleinen Familienbetrieb wie unseren, der während des Weihnachtsgeschäfts an seine Kapazitätsgrenzen stösst, ist es daher umso bedauerlicher, eine negative Bewertung für unsere Bemühungen zu erhalten. Gern erstatten wir dir den Aufpreis für den Expressversand zurück. Und freuen uns so oder so, dich ein anderes Mal wiederzusehen. Ausserhalb der Weihnachtszeit sollte es mit der Lieferung zuverlässig klappen. :) Viele Grüsse vom PikPerfect-Team
Posted 1 year ago
Nicht so hochvqualitativ wie es Im internet aussieht u unmögliche Preis gestaltung v 69,,euro wird auf einmal 101, euro (21 cm×21cm) u sehr späte liegerung 8 dez bestellt 23 dez geliefert in 1 handyladen.!!!!!
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Posted 1 year ago
Liebe Ana, es tut uns leid, dass du mit unserem Service nicht zufrieden bist. Unser Produktionsteam hatte aus den Fotos, von denen du zugabst, dass sie qualitativ recht niedrig waren, das Beste herausgeholt. Der Preis für die Gestaltung durch unser Grafikerteam, der zum Albumpreis dazu kommt, wird beim Anlagen des Auftrags angezeigt und von den meisten Kunden als sehr fair wahrgenommen. Obwohl unsere Weihnachtsbestellfrist bereits abgelaufen war (du hattest am 11.12. bezahlt), kam das Buch noch wie gewünscht vor Weihnachten an. Dass UPS es an einem Abholpunkt hinterlegt hat, können wir nicht beeinflussen. Schade, dass du trotz all unserer Bemühungen nicht so zufrieden bist wie andere Kunden. Viele Grüsse, das PikPerfect-Team
Posted 1 year ago
Hello! We are quite disappointed in our final product that we put a lot of time and effort into making. We ordered a layflat album for our wedding, with hopes of having other albums printed for our parents. However, some of our pictures were more blurred/yellow/hazy compared to the original copy we sent in. I have emailed our designer, Daniel, three times now, and have not heard back in a over week. Our designer, Daniel, was quite prompt to respond in the planning process. As of now, no one has still reached out to us about our disappointment, or with steps moving forward. For the quality and the lack of customer service thus far, I would have rate this as two stars.
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi Sara, Sorry for the late reply. This is the busiest time of the year for us, and Daniel was out sick for a few days, so we're running a little behind on some emails. That being said, your photos should print exactly per the originals, so if something went wrong in production, we're certainly correct this for you. I see Daniel has requested some photos of the album to demonstrate the issue so we can analyze what went wrong, and then correct this for you. Once again, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Happy Holidays! Best regards, Sonja
Posted 1 year ago
Mein Mann und ich haben zum Jubiläum seit langem das Hochzeitsalbum rausgeholt und haben leider gar keine Freude dran. Das Buch ist über 6 kg schwer und als solcher Schinken eher für ein Museum als das schöne Bücherregal zuhause geeignet. Das Cover mit unserem Foto ist hoch verpixelt (s. anbei) und der Inhalt einfach nicht warm für unser Empfinden. Der Service war ok, aber für 800 Chf würde man sich ein positives Erinnerungsstück an den schönsten Tag wünschen, unser Album erfüllt dies leider nicht im geringsten. Schade.
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Posted 1 year ago
Liebe Olga, vielen Dank für dein Feedback. Wirklich schade, dass ihr so wenig Freude an eurem Premiumalbum habt. Ihr hattet das grosse Format mit der maximalen Anzahl Seiten gewählt, dessen Gewicht für die meisten Kunden ein positiver Aspekt ist. Während der Gestaltung hatten wir dich auf die teilweise mangelnde Schärfe der Fotos hingewiesen, womit du einverstanden warst. Und beim echten Fotopapier unserer Premiumalbum entspricht der Ton im Druck sehr genau dem, in dem der Fotograf die Bilder aufgenommen hat. Das können wir anpassen, falls gewünscht, wurde uns gegenüber aber leider nicht erwähnt. Unser Team ist stets bemüht, das ideale Album für unsere Kunden zu erstellen: Wir versuchen für jegliche Wünsche und Ansprüche eine Lösung zu finden, wenn wir vorab darüber informiert werden. Herzliche Grüsse das PikPerfect-Team
Posted 1 year ago
The photo book when it arrived look nice but almost immediately at our wedding the pages were all falling out of the book as people signed it and because of this I think we might’ve lost a page. Poor quality for something not inexpensive and we are disappointed that we’ don’t have a good quality book that captures our guest’s well wishes. Would advise others to purchase elsewhere unfortunately.
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi Frederick, We're very sorry to hear this, it should certainly not be the case :( Sounds like something went very wrong in the binding process which has caused this issue. I realize it may now be too late to send a replacement but we'll reach out to you directly to find a way to make this right. Kind regards, Sonja
Posted 1 year ago
Options were very confusing and had so much back and forth with the team to get very simple changes made to my album. In the end, the paper was not what I wanted and their matte paper was not matte at all (in their premium line). Also different album sizes had different paper options which makes no sense. I contacted them after about this and they weren’t able to explain why this is.
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi Melanie, I'm sorry you found this to be confusing. When you place your order for a premium layflat album, you choose the Lustre option which has a light pearl shimmer in the finish. As we explained, the Silk option would have been less reflective, or the Art Velvet option which offered a deep matte finish. While we're always happy to change to a different paper option during the design process (never hesitate to ask), once the album has been printed, I'm afraid it's not possible to make any further changes. Kind regards, Sonja
Posted 1 year ago
The process was so-so. It wasn’t totally intuitive and you have to load everything upfront all at once. I thought you could save and do more later, no. So be ready when you start. You don’t layout anything, another confusion on my part. They do it all. We had 4 iterations, which isn’t too bad. But the book itself is disappointing. The product looks and feels cheap. Based on what I understood, I had very different expectations. This does not seem high quality. And the colors are off. Oddly a lot of the images look almost orange. Overall disappointing.
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Posted 2 years ago
Hi Elle, we're sorry to hear you were not entirely satisfied with your order. Your wedding album should print exactly like the original submitted, but if you feel this is not the case, please email us some photos of this so we can look into it for you. If an error was made in production, which can occasionally happen, we never hesitate to correct it for you. With regards to the quality, if you were looking for thicker pages and more cover options, I would recommend choosing a premium layflat album the next time. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, Sonja
Posted 2 years ago
yes. It all worked well. Adapted well to the changes that I wanted to make and the final product was a great match for my expectations. S
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Posted 2 years ago
The book cover is very nice and the embossed printing is well done. I liked the help with layout and the ability to reposition images via notes to the designer. However, I was VERY disappointed in the printing quality of the images on the pages. The paper is and thickness is good, it is the actual images that are completely off. Some are too orange, some are too green, the black and white images are either totally flat with no saturation at all or look sort of blurry. There was no obviously no attention to image reproduction. All images supplied were hi resolution and could have been color adjusted to at least some sort of consistency. NONE of the color issues were apparent in the on line proofing stage of the book.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Courtney,  We're very sorry to hear that, it definitely sounds like something went horribly wrong with your album printing. This should certainly have been caught before shipping, but I guess it slipped through in error (we're working multiple smaller shifts due to covid, which is causing some issues). Please email us some photos of the album, we'll certainly get this addressed and a new replacement sent out ASAP.  Sorry for the trouble! Kind regards, Sonja
Posted 4 years ago
Quite poor quality for the price. I also have a few blurred photos in the album.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Megan, we're sorry to hear you're not entirely happy with the album. We print on professional Fuji album paper, so the images should be as crisp as the originals. And in cases where the original is not entirely clear, you are notified about this during the design process. That said, if there was an issue in production, we will certainly rectify this for you. Please email us at support@pikperfect.com with more details of the problem so we can look into this and get back to you ASAP. Kind regards, Matt
Posted 4 years ago
You all should be more in tune with your follow-up emails and surveys. I've gotten multiple emails today asking how I like my photo book, but it hasn't arrived yet and is several days late with no update. You are basically giving customers a reason to give you a low review when you send these out prematurely.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Abby, I'm sorry our follow-up email was sent a few hours before your package was delivered. Covid-19 is causing some delays in shipments, which caused the issue. Best regards, Nick
Posted 4 years ago
the service i received for custom design and service team members reaching out to help was great. They were helpful and prompt. My disappointment is in the final product. I just received my album that I believed to be one of their highest qualities and I had come to terms with the high price because this is my wedding album that i want to treasure forever. But the pages are so thin when i was anticipating thick durable pages. Now i'm scared to let anyone flip through it. And i hate the 11 x 17 page size i ordered it is so awkward to turn the pages I am kicking myself wishing i had got the 11 x 11 for ease of flipping. Basically looking at this album makes me want to cry and reorder a square size with a different paper quality.
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Posted 5 years ago
Hi Cheryl, We're very sorry to hear you're disappointed with your album. We actually do offer wedding albums with thick board pages (https://www.pikperfect.com/flush-mount-wedding-albums), unfortunately you did not order one of those. That said, the album you ordered is still very durable and one of our most popular options for wedding couples. If you'd like to reorder this album in square format and with thick board pages, please email us at design@pikperfect.com and we'll be happy to offer you a discount on this. Best regards, Nick
Posted 5 years ago
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Posted 6 years ago
I was looking for a wedding album for a client on a budget (£100-£120) and found that PikPerfect offered lay flat albums within this price range. I was attracted to the offer of new customers getting up to 25% off the first album design. What I didn't realise was that this literally refers to the cost of designing of the album, something that PikPefect do by default rather than expecting the customer to upload a design. I was a little disappointed to discover that this attractive-sounding offer saved me £4.50. In terms of the design service itself, I found myself having to repeat myself numerous times and discovering that some changes had been made that I hadn't stated. One the album had arrived, I was somewhat underwhelmed by the appearance and quality of the album. Despite being printed on 370gsm paper, the pages felt thin and flimsy. It didn't look much better than standard photo books you get printed at a fraction of the cost. I have to say I was a little embarrassed giving this album to the clients. I wasn't expecting premium quality at this price bracket, but I've bought far superior albums before for only slightly more money. I won't be ordering a wedding album from PikPefect again. Perhaps a cheap photo book, but nothing more. Regards, Ross
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
Hi Ross, I'm sorry our service did not meet your expectations. The paper thickness for layflat albums is an industry standard when using real photo paper - we have printed thousands of these for couples as well as professional photographers, 99% of whom love them. If you're looking for thick cardboard pages, I would recommend ordering a flushmount album the next time. Hope that helps. Kind regards, Nick
Posted 7 years ago
Everything about my wedding album was fabulous the only thing that put me down and made the entire album look dull was the colour of printing. It was so poor, my make up colour looked completely different to the the actual pictures taken if the difference was slight it would be ok but my coral lipstick looked brown. So i wasn't happy with it at all it changed the entire look. The pictures were dark and dull in the prints. I Wasn't happy with the album.
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Posted 8 years ago
Hi Alisa, We're sorry to hear you're not satisfied with your album. Our layflat albums are developed on Kodak photo paper, so the colours stay true to the originals. If you think there may have been a print error, please email your designers some photos of the album and we'll be happy to take care of this for you. Kind regards, Nick
Posted 8 years ago
PikPerfect AG is rated 4.9 based on 3,602 reviews