PetnPony have a Customer Happiness Grade of A. Customers love their prices, delivery, customer service and returns process and are happy with their refunds.
Very quick dispatch and a good price for the product thanks
- David Crawford-Emery
We buy our dog food online with PetnPony through a regular payment plan. Delivery is excellent and service has been outstanding. On top of that price is also very competitive.
- Matthew Cutts
PetnPony came up trumps again with not only price (the SAME as last year) but also free postage on my item.
- Mrs Ann-Marie Crossley
Brilliant service and delivery, could not ask for better.
Thank you
- Mr Steve Canis
Quick delivery and great customer service when I realised I’d ordered the wrong size. Will definitely use this company again.
- Donna Mckinnel
We buy our dog food online with PetnPony through a regular payment plan. Delivery is excellent and service has been outstanding. On top of that price is also very competitive.
- Matthew Cutts
Fab item just sadly too small for my daughter. Easy no quibble returns policy too. Transaction couldn’t have been any simpler
- Miss T Armstrong
I bought boots from Pet n Pony, and was kept informed of the progress of my order every step of the way. Unfortunately the boots were not suitable and had to be returned. The refund process was very quick. I would recommend this company.
- Alison Robson
Speedy delivery. I ordered the wrong item, returned it and refund was processed next day. Brilliant!
- Elaine Harris
Very good service. Sadly my item was too small, but the return and refund went smoothly
- "Karen Rhinds" Rhinds
Great service and stock !
- Anonymous
Brilliant service and delivery, could not ask for better.
Thank you
- Mr Steve Canis
Great service, item delivered quickly , Recommend to people to shop here .
- Elizabeth Hill