Panzerwrecks Limited have a Customer Happiness Grade of A. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service.
Fantastic great price and very fast postage and well packaged 👌👌👌
- Greg R
Great books at a reasonable price great service and communication and excellent packaging with lots and I mean lots of bubblewrap which I appreciate.
- Stephen W
books im interested in always available, best price on the web with no hassle delivery, all good
- Stephen K
Excellent service, superb packaging and speedy delivery.
- Catherine T
Very good quick delivery next day after ordering book
Absolutely first class place to buy from. Tremendous selection of books and delivery is usually the next day. I am a repeat customer and will continue to buy from Panzerwrecks in the future.
- William M
Exceptional books. Exceptional service. If you have a serious interest in military history then the books from Panzerwrecks are outstanding examples of well-researched, detailed historical studies that will enhance any collection or library. I have reached the point where I automatically buy books on relkease so as not to miss out on these rare gems.
- Richard C
Excellent service, always well packed for posting and communication very good
- Trevor G
Excellent service. Prompt and well packed.
- David B