Klipspringer Ltd have a Customer Happiness Grade of A. Customers love their prices, delivery, customer service and returns process.
Excellent products at a fair price and you dont have to buy a case full, Delivered fast with no hastle
- Rob B
Everything from price quote to design and goods received was fantastic. Communication on the progress was excellent. The equipment is great quality and cant wait to get more stuff ordered in the future.
- Ashley D
Good quality and acceptable price for the item.
- Hooman E
Quick delivery and good quality of product. Highly recomended :)
- Pawel J
User frirndly website. Just enter roughly what you need and the suggestions always find what it is exactly. Delivery has laways arrives within 3 working days.
- James W
Very good product quality. Next day delivery without fail.
- Marzena H
easy to deal with, swift returns and repairs. comms always spot on.
- Jon S
Great service
- Jackie M
Excellent service - quick turnaround and good quality product
- Paul T
quick easy service, not complicated to send back or recieve the item
- Store M