Just Geek have a Customer Happiness Grade of A-. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service and are happy with their refunds.
Love my Back to the Future Christmas jumper! Great price and quality.
- A
Great web site. East to navigate plenty of stock lots of choice at a good price and fast delivery
- A Gray
Fun little mini ducks, great gift and totally eorth the price
- L Van Der Veen
This crew of extraterrestrial beings from an amazing other galaxy has supplied the most proper product I have seen on Earth. They are accurate with delivery times & quality.
- E Marks
Super fast delivery and item was exactly what I expected.
- A
Nice swift delivery, great quality items. The D&D shirt is smaller than its size suggests but that’s okay. Shrek sweater is GREAT!
- N Davies
Great choice of items, great customer service. I bought a Christmas Jumper, it was really cool but I totally misjudged the size. Return and refund was super easy. No issues. Went and got myself another Jumper in a larger size. Really good quality and cool design. Very happy
Really good quality and exactly what I was after for my son but, unfortunately, it was too big for him so had to return it. So I have given it 5 stars overall as it's not their fault that it didn't fit and the return process is super easy and fast. Had my refund within a couple of days.
- A
Very quick delivery and great price. Love the bag, it's great. The only problem was after a week of using it, some stitching had come undone. Contacted to ask for a replacement but they were out of stock so asked me to send it back for a refund. I love the bag too much to send it back so I repaired it myself.
- A
Great quality and service!
- A
Would like to thank The PAMELA EXPERTS for their excellent and very efficient service, from the time of my application through to the end.
- L D
It's very beautiful and arrived very good. It would have been easier if they had sent a tracking number from the beginning. Customer service was good and responded quickly.
- D Carolina Vargas Martos