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International TEFL and TESOL Training Ltd. Reviews

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25th Floor, Workington Tower, 78 Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan

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Have you be scammed in online investments traders, kindly report to * paybackintld @ gmail .c o m >and get your funds back
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Posted 2 days ago
I honestly think there should be some kind of mandatory interaction between a student and course tutors. Some kind of examination or controlled practice.
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Posted 1 year ago
Thank you, Roman, for your feedback. We appreciate your suggestion regarding mandatory interaction between students and course tutors. We continually strive to improve our courses, and your input is valuable. Your insights contribute to the ongoing development of our programs.
Posted 1 year ago
Overall it enhanced my teaching knowledge.
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Posted 1 year ago
Thank you for sharing your feedback, Stefania! We're glad to have contributed to enhancing your teaching knowledge and are always striving to improve further.
Posted 1 year ago
The courses were easy to complete and to get my certificate. I haven't used it yet and the course was kind of expensive.
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Posted 3 years ago
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We appreciate your review and wish you all the best.
Posted 3 years ago
Though I felt as though I learned a great deal of information from this course, I feel that without interactive videos or learning prompts, it was difficult to retain some of the information for testing. The course only had one video unit out of twenty units in total, and I feel that with learning the best teaching methods and strategies, as well as gaining perspective on the subject matter within the units, it is vital to have visual learning as a part of the course. Overall, I am grateful I successfully completed this course with very few difficulties, however for someone who may learn better from a mixture of visual and textbook learning, rather than merely reading thousands of words on pdf files, this course may not be the most useful for them.
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Posted 4 years ago
Good to hear that you successfully completed this course with very few difficulties. You signed up for the 120-hour course without tutor, which has two videos to use with unit 10. The same course with tutor support has 19 accompanying videos that complement most of the units. We would recommend the course with tutor (and therefore more videos) for more visual learners and those less familiar with studying online.
Posted 4 years ago
Course was generally good and well presented. I’m pleased to pass. I’m also disappointed, because there was no information contained in the course about the grade B that was applied to my pass. I had an average of over 90% and was told that my summative essay was a pass. I’m a straight shooter and a bit of perfectionist. I wrote a couple of times to my tutor asking clarity about a few questions I’d got wrong in tests. The answers seemed vague and not really logical. (I would have preferred my tutor to be able to take video calls or live chat, rather than emails back and forth.) my criticism here is not of my Tutor but of the vagueness if the questions debated. I’m left wondering what it would take to get an A pass grade. I like A grade passes!! Im a guy who works hard for an A grade
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Posted 4 years ago
Hello Hugh, We understand your concern. We can confirm that the ‘B’ grade you were awarded is correct for the overall percentage you achieved. The letter grades are set fairly high as all tests are ‘open book’, i.e. you were able to refer to the course materials during the tests, and all are multiple-choice. Please let us know if you need any further information.
Posted 4 years ago
I liked most of the content but I would have loved if their were more interactive
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Posted 4 years ago
Hello Christopher, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and feedback with us. We're grateful for your honest feedback and we will take it into consideration!
Posted 4 years ago
The 120 hrs TEFL course was way below my expectations. First of all, the price is the highest among all the courses from other companies. For that price I expected to get something extraordinary. Unfortunately, it didn't happen. And here is why: 1. There are too many basic grammar units. I think if a person takes this course, they already HAVE TO know English grammar. Tips on how to teach grammar are nice, but grammar itself? Useless. 2. Too much "water" in most of the units. Things like "you shouldn't physically punish students" or "don't be late for class" should be known to anyone, who is related to teaching or any professional activity at all. There's no need to include them in the course. 3. Unit tests are totally useless too. They just repeat the unit material with the exact same words, so even if someone didn't read the unit, they could just use word search to find the answer. 4. It was mentioned in the course that teacher has to adapt to every different situation and sometimes it's not possible or necessary to follow the ESA structure. However, unit test included questions which excluded this possibility. So the "right" answers didn't seem obviously the only ones that are correct. 5. And just an interesting fact: it was highlighted in the course description that it was designed by experienced native English speakers and this certificate is unique and authentic. Why did I get my certificate delivered from Thailand? :)
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Posted 4 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to submit a review. We’ll address each of your points in turn: 1. We feel that grammar is far from “useless”, and understanding grammar is a vital prerequisite for teaching grammar. Most native or fluent speakers of English are aware of what is ‘correct’, but are less sure how to explain why or to clarify errors or mistakes. Covering specific grammar points and providing teaching ideas is what sets the ITTT course apart from many others. 2. The course you completed is an introductory course for new entrants to teaching and covers the basic information needed to stand in an EFL classroom for the first time. 3. The tests are designed to cover the information presented, but when creating the questions we have tried, wherever possible, to avoid the situation where all a course participant has to do is look up the answer in the unit to answer a question. Questions are therefore designed to test understanding of the unit concepts rather than the ability to look up answers. 4. As described, one methodology has to be chosen and used throughout the course. We feel that ESA is the optimal teaching method for most EFL situations. 5. The course was indeed designed by experienced native English speakers and this certificate is definitely unique and authentic, as you say. The country in which we choose to have the certificates printed has no bearing on the professional experience of the course authors and staff.
Posted 4 years ago
I opted for the 120hr TEFL Certification with videos and a tutor. The information in the course was extensive, and the videos were helpful, however I found other ITTT videos that went with these modules on YouTube for free. The tutor I had was cold and unhelpful, and I had the same one each time. If I asked anything I received a very curt response and was directed back to the course material or she would quote it directly. It felt like I was being told, "let me Google that for you". When I paid for a tutor's assistance, I was expecting to have someone expand upon information I didn't grasp - this was not the case. The job placement is only a link to some job boards they have access to, not really placement or assistance, just access. I completed this course in July, and I still have not received my physical certificate (I am writing this in September). I recently received and email from ITTT blaming the USPS situation for the delay, something that occurred months after my course completion (and I'm still not really sure how this is a *reason* seeing that everyone is still getting their mail in the states). In the email I was told I could opt for DHS delivery for a discounted $25 from the regular $65. I don't think this is a fair option, considering I should have received it for free and in a timely manner in the first place. If you had asked me if I would recommend ITTT right after I had finished, I would have said yes, because the material is high quality. But at this point, I would not. I'm sure you can get the same level of information from another course and actually get a tutor, job placement assistance, and an actual certificate.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hello Amy, thank you for your positive comments about the course materials. We can only see two examples of contact with a course tutor with regard to the course content. For one, you had misconstrued the wording of the text and we asked you to provide a screenshot of the information you had seen. The second was about grammatical structures and we replied with a personalized explanation without referring you back to the unit. We offer job assistance rather than job placement, and you are welcome to contact your tutor via email at any stage so that you can receive any information you feel you need. We did not blame USPS for your certificate delivery but explained that due to Coronavirus restrictions it was not possible to send it at the end of your course, and this is still the case for registered post deliveries to the USA. Your certificate was sent to you via DHL on 21st September after you confirmed your address and phone number.
Posted 4 years ago
Update: We have resolved all our certificate shipment issues that were caused by the global pandemic and are shipping our certificates for most countries from the UK to avoid any future delays.
Posted 4 years ago
ITTT says the price of mailing the certificate is included in the course fees. It is not. They were saying they cannot mail due to the pandemic, and now they are saying they can but we have to pay for it. When I paid for my course they failed to mention that they would not be shipping out my certificate. Complete lack of transparency. Disappointed. I need this certificate for my work, and was told I would not have to pay to ship it. I had read reviews prior to the pandemic of people complaining ITTT was coming up with excuses to not mail their certificates. Something to keep in mind if you want to choose this course.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hello Natalie, as we mentioned via email, we were unable to send your certificate via registered post on completion of your course as international postal deliveries were not possible due to the Coronavirus. Unfortunately, this situation remains unchanged for the USA. We contacted you again to offer you DHL delivery at a significantly reduced rate. That offer still stands. You should already have received the URL of a scanned copy of your certificate, but if you need this again please let us know. Our apologies for the delay and inconvenience, but as you’ll appreciate this situation is beyond our control.
Posted 4 years ago
Update: We have resolved all our certificate shipment issues that were caused by the global pandemic and are shipping our certificates for most countries from the UK to avoid any future delays.
Posted 4 years ago
It was a great course, but I am still searching for a job to use it.
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Posted 4 years ago
Thank you for the review, Shawn. Please email our course admins for the post-course job support you are entitled to. You can reach us at admin@tesol-tefl.com.
Posted 4 years ago
The course is good for a pre-service or first year experienced teachers. As I have been in ESL industry for more than 5 years, I didn't really get much from the course. I think all units need to be updated. There are some, especially the ones related to technology, that are no longer applicable. For example, there's one unit discussing about OHP for teaching. Another point, since I finished the training in May, as the pandemic began, I haven't heard anything about my certificate. It was said before that it would be delivered once international shipping is allowed. I hope there will be an update regarding this. :)
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Posted 4 years ago
Hello Santhy! Thanks for the feedback. The course you completed is designed for new entrants to the profession, but we have tried to keep the course contents relevant to those with more experience where possible. The technology available in many countries where English as a foreign language is taught can be quite limited. Devices such as tape recorders and OHPs are still in use, which is why they are still included in our course. As we mentioned in our email to you on 1st June, we were unable to send your certificate on completion of your course as international postal deliveries via registered post were not possible due to the Coronavirus. Unfortunately, this situation remains unchanged for your location and we have been given no indication when postal services will resume to your country at present. We will do our best to let you know as soon as the certificate has been sent out. You should already have received the URL of a scanned copy of your certificate, but if you need this again please let us know. Our apologies for the inconvenience, but as you’ll appreciate this situation is beyond our control.
Posted 4 years ago
Update: We have resolved all our certificate shipment issues that were caused by the global pandemic and are shipping our certificates for most countries from the UK to avoid any future delays.
Posted 4 years ago
The course was alright, although it seems like there were many different writers and at times really dosen't flow well. The tutoring leaves leaves something to be desired. Never the less it was an alright course.
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Posted 4 years ago
The course itself is great! The information provided is very clear and understandable as for the experienced teachers, as for beginners. BUT I faced a problem with delivery of my certificate. I live in China and I have provided all the needed information in both languages - English and Chinese. For some reason it took quite some time and I started to worry so I requested a postal tracking number and then I found out that the parcel was sent back to the original place. I contacted the delivery man and he said that there wasn’t any particular building number on the parcel, only the street name as well as there wasn’t any phone number. I provided the building number when I registered the delivery. So when I contacted the ITTT administrators I was told that I have to pay for the second delivery. I honestly don’t understand why because there wasn’t any of my fault. This situation has spoiled all of my positive opinion about the organization.
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Posted 4 years ago
Update: We have resolved all our certificate shipment issues that were caused by the global pandemic and are shipping our certificates for most countries from the UK to avoid any future delays.
Posted 4 years ago
Overall, the course is very good and useful for many teachers. Personally, I found it pretty easy probably due to the fact of having already been experienced enough. I did not read or study almost half of the units and did the tests, and I scored 90 and above. It was good and useful, thank you!
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Posted 4 years ago
Thank you for your review, Dara. Indeed, as the course is laid out for trainees of all levels and backgrounds some might find it more challenging than others. All the best to you :)
Posted 4 years ago
The course was great however it has been three months and i have yet to receive my certificate in the mail. My partner who also completed the course has receive hers and we both completed the course at the same time and live in the same home so I am not to sure whats happened to mine.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hello Thomas, your ITTT certificate was sent via registered post on 6th August 2020 to the address you provided to us. Delivery times are dependent on the postal system in your area, but your certificate should be with you soon. The package requires a signature, so the postman may have tried to deliver it to you already. You may want to see if it’s already waiting for you at your nearest post office.
Posted 4 years ago
Update: We have resolved all our certificate shipment issues that were caused by the global pandemic and are shipping our certificates for most countries from the UK to avoid any future delays.
Posted 4 years ago
While the Units were easy to go through, the information was at times questionable. The explanation for certain lessons were unclear and lesson PDFs used different variations of the English dialect.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hello Naomi, we’re uncertain what aspects of the course you feel are questionable or unclear, as we have fine-tuned the course materials over many years to be as user-friendly and relevant to the classroom as possible. Please contact us via email.
Posted 4 years ago
Good materials but thank goodness I already had a teaching background. Basically you are just buying a textbook with a basic online multiple choice, auto-scoring quiz at the end. Way overpriced for what you get.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Beth. Thank you for your positive comment about the quality of the course materials. The course is mainly designed for new entrants to the teaching profession, but we would hope that you gleaned some new ideas during the course that you can use in the classroom.
Posted 4 years ago
The Course itself was exactly what was required. It desperately needs to add a section on "online" teaching, including a virtual Coach for a few online mock-classes for those without a teaching background.
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Posted 4 years ago
Hello Isabel, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and feedback with us. We actually have a specialized course focusing on teaching English online. You can check it out here: https://www.teflcourse.net/online-tefl-courses/specialized-tefl-courses/teaching-english-online-tefl/
Posted 4 years ago
I didn't like the course. The materials were slightly outdated, the examples used were sometimes inappropriate, the practical part did not include even theoretical part of how to use eboard or projector in classroom, the instructor Peter was finishing every lesson ten minutes earlier and starting ten minutes later. The whole course could be consized and completed in 2 weeks instead of 1.5 months. I consider my time and money wasted in vain and will not recommend inlingua Leipzig or TEFL TESOL course further. I also submitted another review months ago but apparently nobody reads it anyway.
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Posted 4 years ago
Dear Regina, Thank you for your feedback. We’re very sorry to hear that you felt this way about your course. We always welcome feedback and topic requests in our courses, as we aim to provide the best quality possible to our students. Since the teaching materials and technology made available to English teachers vary greatly from country to country and school to school, the TESOL course materials introduce many different options. Although some might feel out-of-date, they can be very useful depending on the school you work at. Please don’t hesitate to contact us in Leipzig to discuss your feedback further and receive some extra guidance on how to use technology in class - free of charge.
Posted 4 years ago
International TEFL and TESOL Training Ltd. is rated 4.6 based on 698 reviews