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i-to-i TEFL Reviews

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4th Floor, Wilson House, Lorne Park Road, Bournemouth

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
With the exception of the weekend practical element, the course in general was presented in a very dull and unenlightening manner. The style of testing is not conducive to practical implementation as students are to often tested merely on their ability to memerise large quantities of information rather than on their knowledge of and ability to apply their teaching skills. Overall, I found the course to be useful to the degree that it has provided me with the qualification I need in order to apply to teacher abroad, however in terms of it's content and quality I found it to be rather unenjoyable and unimaginative.
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Posted 10 years ago
This a review for i-to-i TEFL 120 hour online course. The course is way over priced. Where is the 120 hours? I completed it and I'm still no better for having done so. It does not give enough information for teaching one on one lessons either, it focus mainly on teaching young children. Everything you need to know you can find in the TEFL for Dummies book.
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Posted 10 years ago
I was really impressed with the course and company until I received really poor customer service and a 'not our problem' attitude today regarding an issue with my weekend course. I have emailed a separate complaint about this today and am waiting for a response. Up to this point I would have totally recommended I to I but my opinion has been changed very quickly. A very poor customer experience and being treated like a number rather than an individual. I really think your customer support function needs looking into.
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Posted 10 years ago
No help from them!
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Posted 10 years ago
The 120 hr online component was good, although Ifelt that there were certain aspects of the grammar sections that were too analytical and not focused enough on practical function. The practical one week ( i did a combined course), was also helpful. The lecturer was excellent and very positive and friendly. However, she was 8 months pregnant and soon after my course she went on maternity leave. I had to chase the company for three months to get the certificate. The company did not keep me updated on the reasons for the delay. In my emails i was courteous. I wonder if I had simply waited whether i would ever have received the certificate. The impression I got was that the company was underfunded and to much responsibility rested on the shoulders of too few people
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Posted 10 years ago
I did not learn half as much from the course as I expected. I began with a sound understanding of grammar and found that the course is casual with grammar and teaching. I often missed questions on the quiz because of the course's peculiar vocabulary, but rarely because I misunderstood a concept. This frustrated me, but as most quizzes were multiple choice I could typically self correct without further review or learning. The 100 hours of online content took me less than 15 hours to complete; had I more fully immersed myself over a longer time I do not believe I would be any better prepared. I have earned the credential, and that is enough, I guess. I would not recommend the course to anyone who was not certain that the credential would be helpful - and please note that, especially if you have a degree, the course is not necessary to apply to most jobs.
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Posted 10 years ago
The intensive weekend was very good, but for the rest of the course I feel that it was deliberately engineered so that students don't finish in time and forced to purchase the course extensions. I had no internet for a month and so missed out on a month of learning but when I had the internet again I studied like a madman and I only managed to finish the 60 hour course and the 'teaching business English' module, I am very doubtful that most people are able to finish the course on time without purchasing extensions, also when I spoke to a woman on your helpline she said I also would not be able to get the original copies of my certificates, luckily for me I had already downloaded the PDF copies. I am very dissatisfied with this and won't be recommending you to anyone else
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Posted 10 years ago
The feedback I received after submitting my work remained the same, word for word, regardless of the changes I had made- which was very frustrating, clearly the person marking was not taking the time necessary to read each submission and just copying and pasting their comments. The threat of 'failing' and not being able to continue a course that I had paid for seemed inherently unfair. Some modules were full of very simple and almost unnecessary information whilst others were far more complex.
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Posted 10 years ago
Paid for course but there is an expiry date to the completion and qualification! Sadly the course never went to completion due to i-i TEFL's policy.
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Posted 10 years ago
hullow, thank you for asking for this review. there have been many things that this course has done right and should pull the rating up to very good, but there are some things that have pulled the rating down to poor. it is fixable. the good things are that the quizzes are mostly easy to understand. and when I have had contact with a tutor on the phone, once, she was helpful and encouraging. there have also been helpful and encouraging replies to many of my emails, and some tutors have written thoughtful comments on my written assignment efforts. there was the last tutor whom, I felt, initially gave me a trite comment and told me to redo the entire assignment, and her comments and lack of them, gave me the impression that she had not even bothered to actually read what I had written. I was too discouraged after this to do any more to this until a few weeks later, when I used my second chance at passing this assignment as a way of writing to this tutor, telling her that I did not think that she had marked me fairly, and that I was not sure that she had even read what I had written, and could I get another tutor? I got a swift reply which showed a lot more thought and made more sense, though it did not answer all of my questions, nor did it encourage me with any effort that I had put in. I need encouragement. you are the teachers. I am the student. despair as a result of a teaching style is not a good look, and it is not what the course teaches us as a proposed outcome. but despair has been the outcome, none the less. I then wrote a thank you letter to that tutor, but have received no reply. I have also written more emails asking for help and have not had replies. I have paid extra money to extend my time with this course, but no one calls or replies. I feel a very long way away, and I said that in one email, and got a nice reply saying that you are only an email away... and then no further replies were forthcoming. do you want me to write a review to the outside world advising them to spend their money elsewhere? or do you want to live up to your promise of actually teaching? I have not had answers to all of my questions, and I have not had replies to all of my emails. I feel very isolated, and like I have spent my money for nothing. I have gone for long periods of time without even attempting any of the work because of the frustration of feeling like I am talking to a machine. (or a brick wall) and not a human, and no one notices. no one sends an "are you ok?" email and no one has bothered to answer my recent emails. then you want a review! here it is. like I said, it is very fixable. I am not scary, or rude. I am isolated, frightened, feeling completely out of my depth and frustrated. I have lost all confidence in being able to teach English or in being able to finish this course at all, because of the chronic lack of communication. there are good things that have come out of the course, like being better able to communicate with my English as a third language husband, for which I am grateful, and the prompt arrival of the textbook. but I really would like some encouragement and some seriously considered answers to my questions in my previous emails. or do you just want to take my money? I am prepared to tell my Australian government agency that paid for half of this course for me, not to ever pay you again, as you are a scam, if you prefer. there. please talk to me, you asked for a review. please don't be a scam. please be human and talk to me. sincerely, lisa
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Posted 10 years ago
A problem with the 60 hour course: Checkpoint Two. Question 2 The question is based on the PPP teaching method and requires a PPP style answer for a pass. Yet no where ( up to Checkpoint Two ) does any lesson plan mention or even define the PPP method. Thus a serious impasse between you the teacher and me your unfortunate student. How to rectify the problem ?. Over to you.
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Posted 10 years ago
The course itself is very good. Detailed and thorough, giving confidence that you will be able to teach. That part is great. One big problem I had, was that I was unable to finish the last half of the 120 hour course. The very last test allows for three tries only, and it is very lo9ng, and very difficult. I spent over a year, paying and paying for extensions, I spent well over and above the regular price on this course and really wanted to finally finish it. As soon as I got into it, I know I cannot do it and needed help. I asked you on the phone and also via e-mail what help was available to walk me through the topics or give me more than 3 tries. I did want to risk never be able to get a diploma for this part if I use up my three allowed tries. I was told that the person reviewing my submission will leave helpful comments. Well, that is not good enough. I am already down to two tries with a few helpful comments, then I submit it again, and get another few helpful comments and then I am stuck because this will my last try, and I still don't have enough confidence that I will pass. I told these things to you on the phone and asked if I can hire a tutor or have some way of making more sure of passing the three tries before I commit. Right now I am still on my first try, I have not submitted anything yet, because I am afraid. Note this is going on for over two years now and I am still afraid to ruin my chance of passing this very last test for the 120 hour course. Anyway, what makes me give you a "POOR" rating is that when I told my problem to you on the phone, do you know what I got? I got a recital of your company mission statement, with the advice that I will get helpful comments on my first two submission. I offered to pay for extra tutoring, or whatever you have to help I would pay for, but to no avail. Well, that is not good enough. I spent an awful lot of money on you over these two years on extensions, and you should help me to finish this course and not keep giving me your useless company mission statement for an answer,.. Sincerely, Michael Szirtes szirtes@xplornet.com
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Posted 10 years ago
i have not been able to run the video to complete the course from china, also i ran into difficulty doing and completing the grammar portion because i am not being allowed in to take the test. please help ,e. my email is kevjackusa@gmail.com
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Posted 10 years ago
The course itself was fine but due to very difficult personal circumstances (my husband left me!) I didn't have the time to finish it. I was told I'd have to pay for it again when my time ran out. I couldn't afford to eat by this point so had no chance of paying for it again. Effectively I lost all my money so it was just a waste. Very disappointing.
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Posted 10 years ago
I asked for a call back and I never got one. I want to upgrade my current TEFL of 120 hours to 140. I called originally back in November and I got great service then but I wasn't at a point where I would actually have time to study. I contacted you again twice asking for a call back as I wanted to start studying and I've yet to hear anything. Very disappointed as I am a returning customer and I'd great experiences up to this point. I haven't purchased anything from you so I am really surprised that I received this email: Dear Margaret O'Driscoll, You have recently purchased a TEFL course from i-to-i TEFL. Please help us improve our customer satisfaction by writing a quick review.
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Posted 10 years ago
I really enjoyed the course but unfortunately part way through I had to move due to redundancy. My new e-mail connection took sometime to establish and when I finally got online to explain the situation, I was given a very short extension which I was grateful for. However, with the time change I was unable to complete my final assignments and was told I could pay again if I'd like to completed. I had also signed up for the practical experience in Nice. The course was cancelled several times and the response was to go take it someplace else in France. Of course, this would involve travel expenses, hotels and the like which was out of the question as I was unemployed. The response was more or less tough, do you want your money back. Sadly, I did/do feel the customer services are lacking quite considerably. On a positive note, I did enjoy the webinars and found them very useful. Kind regards, Iyla
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Posted 10 years ago
Online study was not the best option for me.
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Posted 10 years ago
I did not have a good experience with the course, as I did not have the opportunity to complete it. I fell extremely ill in the month of August and I asked my superior to contact the necessary persons, as I needed an extension to complete the final module as I was too sick to continue. I paid a lot of money, which was double deducted over 2 - 3 month period and only received a portion of the money back. I have not been able to afford an extension since January this year 2014, where it could have been extended last year (2013) and have been completed in time to receive my certificate. I feel like I have wasted a lot of money, including my time and patience. It is probably not i-to-i to blame but the lack of attentiveness and competency of the company I work for that previously arranged my TEFL training (60 hours). My overall experience was unpleasant. Furthermore, the extension for the course has gone up to R700.00, where this could have been avoided.
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Posted 10 years ago
The literature is misleading about what types of jobs you can apply for once you obtain your course certificates.
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Posted 10 years ago
I undertook the Teach in Thailand internship in May 2013. I have one thing to say to people considering it - DON'T DO IT!!!! There are plenty of other routes to go down, please PLEASE don't do this... It ends up costing you SO much more than it should do for this level of qualification, the support you receive is non-existent and they try and pinch more money off you at every opportunity!! Admittedly, this is more a review of the sister company TTT that the internship was run through rather than i-to-i, because most of my dealings with them were perfectly fine... The online course was informative and helped prepare me for life in the classroom... But seeing as the whole internship was purchased through them, I needed to put a review on this website!!! I did meet some wonderful people through the internship but if I could turn back time I DEFINITELY would not do it this way. For the same money you can get a top-level qualification, practically guaranteeing you a job anywhere in the world! This way you're receiving a basic qualification that doesn't carry much weight in certain parts of the world, getting paid a THIRD of a basic starting wage for other TEFL teachers in Thailand (barely enough to live off) and getting less support than you would receive from a standard teaching agency in Thailand. I left the internship fairly quickly because it was so not worth staying with them, and I'm SO glad I did. I lost a lot of money from doing it in the first place, but I earned some of my money back by cutting my losses and going with a different agency... And it was so easy to get a job!!! I had 11 interviews lined up within two days!! So basically... The online courses with i-to-i are fine, not amazing, but fine, but the internship itself was a complete scam. I repeat... DON'T DO IT!!!!!
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Posted 10 years ago
i-to-i TEFL is rated 4.7 based on 7,419 reviews