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Harley Therapy - Psychotherapy & Counselling Reviews

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About Harley Therapy - Psychotherapy & Counselling:

A warm welcome from our founder Dr Sheri Jacobson. We are a team of highly experienced psychotherapists, clinical and counselling psychologists and psychiatrists in central London.

Established in 2006, and well-known as London's premium therapy providers, our exceptional practitioners specialise in short and long-term counselling, psychotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy for a range of issues, from day-to-day worries to complex psychological conditions.

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
It cost £2400 was meant to be an hour and a half consultation and then a 30 minute follow-up in the 45 minutes conclusion he came to what I said to him. He did not play with Zach. Hardly tried to interact with Zach so absolutely nothing.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 months ago
Thank you very much for your feedback, where we are sorry to hear this. Please kindly note that play based assessment is not a routine part of an ADHD assessment, unless it is a very young child who is being assessed. What the ADHD consultation consists of is provided in writing to potential clients at the time of enquiry, and we gently guide you back to this for reference. Further to an assessment taking place, our administrative team write to patients offering them available appointment dates for the follow-up appointment in the time frame specifically requested by the individual psychiatrist. Please kindly note this is due to be offered to you. Client satisfaction is very important to us. Therefore, we have emailed you directly with further information and refund options. We look forward to hearing from you in order that we can ensure you are satisfied with the service provided. With kind wishes.
Posted 4 months ago
the lady at reception called the wrong name for a few minutes despite me having pronounced and spelled my name upon arrival. when they did finally walk through and call a slightly more similar name, i went up to the counter and the lady said in an annoyed voice that she had been calling me for a few minutes. she had not. that mispronunciation is not my name, i had spelled and pronounced my name correctly for her, and i feel like a therapists office is maybe the place in the world where you should be the most careful to respect people's perception of themselves and identities. i am not going to respond to something that is not my name in a therapists office, and i missed out on a few minutes of my session because they didn't bother to look up how my name was pronounced, or remember how i pronounced it, they just called a different name entirely and got annoyed when i didn't recognise it. it was hurtful and borderline a microaggression. please do better.
Helpful Report
Posted 10 months ago
Thank you for your feedback. We wish to extend our apologies for the mispronunciation of your name by reception. We since understand your name is pronounced slightly differently than assumed, and are sorry for any upset or hurt caused, which was certainly not intentional. Kind wishes.
Posted 9 months ago
The psychiatrist diagnosis was incorrect. My usual psychotherapist specialises in C-PTSD and I do not have this condition.
Helpful Report
Posted 11 months ago
We understand that you requested a professional diagnostic consultation, with a view to a diagnosis potentially being made. We are unable to guarantee that any diagnosis made is that which a client is hoping for and/or expecting. We are sorry that you disagree with the diagnosis made in this case. We welcome the opportunity for you or your therapist to contact us to promote the continuity of your mental health care. We look forward to hearing from you, and where we can be contacted by email; admin@harleytherapy.co.uk or telephone; 0345 474 1724. With kind wishes.
Posted 11 months ago
Dr Buttan did not listen to a word I said.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
We are sorry to hear you feel dissatisfied with your continued and ongoing psychiatric support with Dr Buttan. Dr Buttan welcomes the opportunity to discuss this directly with you, and has offered a free 30 minute appointment, with a view to establishing the nature of your dissatisfaction. We have written to you personally with this offer. We look forward to hearing from you. Kind wishes.
Posted 1 year ago
The therapist was nice and obviously doing their best, but my daughter was weeping afterwards, feeling totally dehumanised. She was asked dozens of questions with the therapist writing down all her responses, in an automised process which left her in despair, when she had just wanted to be listened to. We know that therapists have to get some basic info, but to do this all at once in a box-ticking way is not ideal with a sensitive young person.
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Posted 1 year ago
Thank you for your feedback. We are very sorry to hear that your daughter felt this way which was in no part our intention. Part of the assessment process does involve obtaining relevant, and often particularly painful and difficult information, on why someone is struggling and the issues they are presenting with. We hear the approach in the assessment was distressing for your daughter. It is important to ask questions in the assessment session to establish the plan for therapy, and so we can support and contain clients at this vulnerable time. We do offer a satisfaction guarantee in cases where clients feel there was not a suitable match with a therapist. If your daughter wants to speak with an alternative therapist, we would like to offer any such session booked at no cost to you, where Harley Therapy will cover the therapist's costs. Unfortunately, you have posted anonymously, so we are unable to reach out to you directly to listen to your concerns and help navigate a way forward for your daughter. Therefore, we please do kindly ask that you contact us so we may have the opportunity to speak further. We very much hope to hear from you. You may contact us by email; admin@harleytherapy.co.uk or by telephone; 0345 474 1724. With kind wishes.
Posted 1 year ago
Left very disappointed the consultation was not worth the price Paid £700
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Dear Shabana, Thank you very much for your feedback. We understand your consultation took place in September 2022, and are very sorry you have not contacted us sooner to advise us of your disappointment. We would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss this with you, and look into the reasons for your disappointment, with a view to resolve them. Our contact details are; Email - admin@harleytherapy.co.uk, Tel - 0345 474 1724. We have also contacted you by email to the same effect, and where we look forward to discussing this with you. With kind regards.
Posted 2 years ago
As I have been asked for a review I shall leave my honest feedback while it's still fresh. I'm very disappointed with what amounted to a 1 hour assessment, consisting of essentially only a quiz style questionnaire. This for £2240. I had notes prepared with all of my symptoms that matches the DSM criteria for ADHD-PI and wished to talk about all of them but felt like I couldn't, and felt the initial assessment was essentially a rush to judgment. As I'm easily overwhelmed during this sort of environment, I wasn't able to articulate or recall information that was relevant to what I believe to be ADHD Primary Innatentive. I plan on sending all of my notes over with a further email of my struggles, as I do not believe the psychiatrist has scratched the surface with my symptoms. I'm very disappointed that my struggle during the interview wasn't picked up on as a symptom of Innatentive ADHD. I forgot everything I ever think. My mind dances with thoughts distracting me from what I need to do 24/7. I use a to do list because I remember nothing of what I need to do, and at any given time I have no idea of what is on it and often forget it even exists on my phone. I impulse spend and hyperfixate on interests which dissappear after some time. I have no real hobbies or genuine interests. I engage in risky financial behaviour. I delegate anything complicated to employees and my wife handles the home and general life planning. I find holding conversations difficult and overwhelming due to inability to focus with a very busy mind that goes off on tangents and is always wandering. I pick my skin and daydream/zone out often and have done so as a child. I have report cards from school showing innatentive traits, forgetfulness, slow work, lack of interest in work. No homework, no coursework or late coursework that I completed last minute. I listen to podcasts daily and forget everything. I can't read books as I forget paragraphs as I'm reading them. I don't forget personal items - I forget entire days, weeks, years of my life. I forget what events or plans are coming up in life. I couldn't tell you what I ate yesterday without sitting down and trying to traceback my day without a great deal of effort. I have no symptoms of hyperactivity and believe this went against me in this very short and inadequate assessment. Overall I feel like I fluffed a job interview because I was unable to articulate myself and thoughts and convey my symptoms. But it works both ways - I would expect a professional to be able to work with me as opposed to following a brief questionnaire that didn't seem very applicable at all to innatentiveness.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Thank you very much for your review. There are occasions where, during the 90 minute consultation (as you were scheduled for), it becomes apparent there is insufficient evidence to confidently make a diagnosis of ADHD. Dr Ferreira-Lay explained both at the start and at the end of the consultation about the possible outcomes from assessments, and how we use evidence from a variety of sources to help us reach our clinical conclusion. Dr Ferreira-Lay indicated where and how he felt your current difficulties are more confidently explained which, due to personal and confidentiality reasons, won't be outlined in our reply here. Dr Ferreira-Lay suggested to you, where you agreed, that one of the assessment forms is completed again by someone other than your wife (for reasons explained to you but not mentioned here due to confidentiality). You agreed with Dr Ferreira-Lay that he would look at any additional information you have submitted, as part of revisiting your work and conclusions. It was also agreed that Dr Ferreira-Lay would ask our administrative team to schedule you in for your free of charge 20 minute review (which is included in the cost of the 90 minute consultation) at the earliest opportunity. We believe this appointment has now been scheduled, and in advance of additional information/evidence being submitted by you. With kind wishes.
Posted 2 years ago
The therapist lacked specification.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Thank you very much for your feedback. Following your initial session where suitable recommendations were offered, a follow-up email outlining these recommendations has been sent to you. With kind wishes.
Posted 3 years ago
My 15 yr son attended yesterday for very brief assessment of 1 hr costing £990 but was given no letter as to what happens next and no record of what tests were actually carried out in such a small period of time.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Thank you for your review. Having discussed this with the relevant practitioner, the assessment lasted 1.5 hours and consisted of full cognition and maths assessments, as requested. Occasionally, these assessments do not always take the full two hours to complete, as in your son's case (the time allowed for the assessment is up to two hours). Please kindly note that a full comprehensive report will be prepared within 3 weeks following the date of the assessment. This is to allow complete and thorough analysis of the results before reporting on these. We do not hand out basic letters at the time of the assessment for this reason. This information was provided at the end of the assessment, where there was an opportunity for questions to be asked. However, if you have any queries or questions relating to the assessment, we welcome you to contact us by email; admin@harleytherapy.co.uk or by telephone; 0345 474 1724, where we will endeavour to assist you prior to you receiving the completed report. With kind wishes.
Posted 3 years ago
Doctor didn’t care about me at all, after issuing such strong medication I should have at least had a follow up but I got called a drug addict. After researching the doctor I found at least 5 people killed them selves under his care. Would not recommend negative -10 / 10 absolutely disgusted with the treatment Admin are also awful and should not be working within mental health, zero empathy or compassion.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Further to having spoken with you, we are pleased and relieved to hear that this review was not intended for our company, but an alternative practice you consulted before us. With kind wishes.
Posted 3 years ago
Therapist didn't keep any structure, she was very harsh. Cut it dead at the end. Made us both feel 100 times worse
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Thank you very much for your feedback. We are sorry to hear you feel this way. In order to maximise use of the session it is helpful if attendance is on time, and only those participating in the session be present. Your therapist had exceeded the allocated time scheduled for your appointment, but was unable to offer you any further extended time due to the next client attending. Your therapist has offered you the opportunity to schedule a further appointment, at no charge to you. If you'd like to discuss this, please feel free to contact us on Tel: 0345 474 1724 or email: admin@harleytherapy.co.uk. With kind wishes.
Posted 3 years ago
The session was £250 and there wasn’t a free trial of 10-15mins to check my rapport with the therapist. Generally this is a standard procedure before committing to sessions, especially important when the cost is so much more than ordinary therapy sessions. Also, Dr Maxine King did not help in any way, she just took my background details for the whole hour. When a session is £250, the least one expects is to have helpful tips so it is useful even as a standalone session. Very disappointed!
Helpful Report
Posted 5 years ago
Harley Therapy - Psychotherapy & Counselling is rated 4.8 based on 519 reviews