“I've tried to send a package from the Netherlands to Germany which had the following dimentions (HxWxL): 10x14x125cm
I've tried to send a package from the Netherlands to Germany which had the following dimensions (HxWxL): 10x14x125cm. I've paid for the shipping on goedkooppakket.nl and also paid an extra fee for an XL package which would allow me to seng items longer than 100 cm. However, the two PostNL offices where I brought this package (including a PostNL Business Point) did not accept it saying that the maximal allowed length is 100cm! I then asked GoedkoopPakket to return me the money that I paid them for the shipping, as I decided to use another carrier directly without any mediators. However, GoedkoopPakket refused to return me the money and instead proposed to put the amount I paid on my shipping credit, claiming that I could use it in the future for sending other packages. I do not really need to send other packages since I eventually send the package using another carrier. GoedkoopPakket also stopped replying to my emails. I believe since GoedkoopPakket did not provide me with the expected service I have full rights for getting back the money I paid for service which was not eventually provided. Moreover, I am not willing to use any of GoedkoopPakket services in the future. I strongly believe that GoedkoopPakket is the one responsible for letting PostNL employees aware of the rules for sending larger packages if they work in cooperation with PostNL, and it is definitely not my responsibility. Also support stuff was demonstratively speaking Dutch to me. I do not mind, but it sounds silly from the perspective of the customer support quality in a country where even hobos speak English to me.”
“Omdat het de eerste keer voor mij was een pakket via Goedkooppakket.nl te verzenden, was het in eerste instantie niet duidelijk hoe om het verzendadres correct in te vullen. Alles ging gelukkig goed en het pakket werd keurig en snel geleverd.”