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Direct unlocks Reviews

4.0 Rating 1,411 Reviews
76 %
of reviewers recommend Direct unlocks
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ES FALSO!!! una pagina fake, sólo me estafaron cobrando 1600 y el concepto sale como bares y restaurat.!!!!!!
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Posted 4 months ago
Hola Rocio, lamento que te sientas así con respecto a tu experiencia. Veo que has realizado los pagos para la verificación de elegibilidad y el desbloqueo estándar, y el estado de tu pedido aparece como "Desbloqueo completo" con el código de desbloqueo proporcionado como "55185134". En algunos casos, si tu teléfono no solicita el código de desbloqueo cuando usas una tarjeta SIM diferente, puede ser necesario un desbloqueo USB remoto, que tiene un costo adicional. Esta es una parte estándar de nuestro proceso y se describe durante el pago. Si hay algo específico sobre lo que no estás segura o necesitas ayuda, házmelo saber. ¡Estoy aquí para ayudarte! Saludos cordiales, Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
Excelente servicio, confiabilidad, lo recomiendo al 100%
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Posted 4 months ago
Pensé que era una estafa pero si lograron desbloquear mi celular sin problema
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Posted 4 months ago
Excelente servicio, quedo muy rapida la liberacion los recomiendl ampliamente.
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Posted 4 months ago
Hola Francisco Rwnteria, ¡muchas gracias por tus amables palabras y por recomendar nuestro servicio! Nos alegra saber que tu proceso de desbloqueo fue rápido y eficiente. Si tienes más preguntas o necesitas ayuda en el futuro, no dudes en comunicarte con nosotros. ¡Disfruta usando tu iPhone 15 Plus desbloqueado! 😊
Posted 4 months ago
I had a locked version iPhone 15 . Heard about direct unlock and the process was super easy and fast . I highly recommend
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Posted 4 months ago
El servicio es eficaz, y una vez que inicias el proceso, es recomendable dejar la página abierta durante la noche para recibir el código de desbloqueo. Al comenzar, te piden un primer pago de $28.99 USD y luego un segundo de $54 USD, sumando un total de $82.99 USD. Es bueno tener en cuenta estos pasos para que no te sorprenda y lo consideres antes de empezar.
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Posted 4 months ago
Got my T-Mobile iPhone 15 pro max unlocked fast and easy service thanks.
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Posted 4 months ago
Hi Jason! Thank you for your kind words about our fast and easy service! We're thrilled to hear that your iPhone 14 Pro Max unlock went smoothly. If you have any other questions or need assistance with anything else, feel free to reach out. We're here to help! Best, Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
I recently used DirectUnlocks to unlock my smartphone, and I was thoroughly impressed by both the speed and simplicity of the entire process. From the moment I entered my phone's IMEI number to receiving the unlock confirmation, the whole experience was seamless. I appreciated how the company automatically detected the device and corrected my network selection, saving me from any potential mistakes. The fact that most unlock codes are generated in under 15 minutes is incredible, and the convenience of tracking the progress online was a nice touch. I felt informed and reassured throughout the process, with the confirmation arriving via both email and SMS. DirectUnlocks offers excellent value and reliability. Their customer service is top-notch, with the team being available 24/7, ready to assist with any questions. The process of unlocking my phone was completely remote, and I didn’t have to worry about losing access to my device during the process. Knowing that my phone was permanently and legally unlocked, while still maintaining its warranty, provided peace of mind. Overall, the service was fast, affordable, and easy to navigate, making it an ideal choice for anyone looking to unlock their device hassle-free.
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Posted 4 months ago
Update: company is refunding me after being unable to unlock my phone Paid $75 all together and got an almost instant email that my phone was unlocked. Unfortunately nothing changed and although Verizon and Direct Unlocks shows that my phone is unlocked, I’m still showing a carrier lock. Direct Unlock live support and email have been giving me crickets. I qualify for a refund based on their policy and they have not replied to any of my inquiries.
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Posted 4 months ago
Hi Samantha, Thank you for reaching out! I’m glad to hear that your unlock order currently shows as complete. If you’re still seeing a carrier lock, it might be due to the specific criteria required for your iPhone 12 Pro Max. Sometimes, a Premium Service is necessary if the phone doesn't meet those criteria, as mentioned during checkout. I understand the frustration when support doesn’t respond right away. I encourage you to check the unlocking instructions closely and make sure everything is set up as required. Also, please let us know if you need specific guidance or if there’s anything further we can help you with! We appreciate your patience, and we're here for you! Best, Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
Excelente servicio desbloqueo rápido
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Posted 4 months ago
Hola Oscar, ¡Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de compartir tu experiencia! Nos complace saber que consideraste que nuestro servicio de desbloqueo fue excelente y rápido. Si tienes más preguntas o necesitas ayuda mientras completas el proceso con tu Motorola XT2415V, no dudes en comunicarte con nosotros. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudarte en cada paso del proceso! Saludos cordiales, Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
Super rychla sluzba co zjisti vse o vasem iphonu a navic ho dokaze znovu odblokovat a pripravit pro dalsi pouzivani! Parada! Navic pri zjisteni, ze iphone je na blacklistu vam vasi platbu vrati na vas ucet aby bylo mozne je pouzit priste na dalsi iphone ktery pujde odemknout…
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Posted 4 months ago
Dobrý den Petře, děkujeme za Vaši recenzi! Těší mě, že máte zájem o odemknutí svého iPhone XS. Zdá se, že stav vaší objednávky je „Odemknutí dokončeno“, což je skvělá zpráva! To znamená, že proces byl úspěšně dokončen a měli byste být schopni používat telefon s jakoukoli kompatibilní sítí. Pokud máte nějaké dotazy ohledně dalších kroků k nastavení telefonu nebo čehokoli jiného, neváhejte se zeptat. Jsme tu, abychom vám pomohli! S pozdravem Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
These guys were great and really fast I totally recommend them and if I do need them again I’m definitely going back to them I had a great experience with these guy thank you
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Posted 4 months ago
Hi Jordan! Thank you so much for your wonderful review! We're thrilled to hear that you had a great experience with us, and your recommendation means a lot. If you ever need our services again, we'll be here to help! Thanks again for choosing Direct Unlocks! Best, Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
Yes! I was skeptical at first. But now I am so happy my Iphone 15 pro max is finally unlocked. Hephep! Direct Unlocks!!! No Sim restrictions..... is real
Direct unlocks 5 star review on 14th October 2024
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Posted 4 months ago
Hi Von Labio! That's fantastic to hear! We're thrilled that your iPhone 15 Pro Max is unlocked and that you're enjoying the freedom of no SIM restrictions. Thank you for placing your trust in us. If you have any questions or need assistance in the future, feel free to reach out. Enjoy your unlocked phone! 🎉
Posted 4 months ago
They are very responsive and interactive communication and response time amazing works great
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Posted 4 months ago
Hi Tyson, Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm thrilled to hear that you're finding our communication and response times to be amazing. Regarding your unlock process, I see that your order status is showing as "Unlock Complete." If you have any questions or if there’s anything more we can assist you with to ensure everything is working perfectly for your iPhone 7, just let us know. We're here to help! Have a great day!
Posted 4 months ago
Sinceramente es un sitio confiable y seguro se resolvió mi necesidad
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Posted 4 months ago
Hola Cesar, ¡Gracias por tus amables palabras! Nos alegra saber que tu necesidad se resolvió. Si tienes más preguntas o necesitas más ayuda con el desbloqueo de tu Motorola Moto G50 5G, no dudes en comunicarte con nosotros. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudarte! Saludos, Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
Primero cobran 28 us, y después cobran 36 mas para que estén muy atentos , amo encogió por sorpresa
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Posted 4 months ago
Hola Edwin Angel, ¡Gracias por tu comentario! Entiendo tu frustración con respecto a los múltiples pagos. Solo para aclarar, el pago inicial de $28,99 que realizaste fue para la verificación de elegibilidad, que es un paso necesario para garantizar que tu iPhone pueda desbloquearse. Luego, la tarifa de $36 fue para el desbloqueo estándar en sí. Todos estos costos se detallan en la página de pago antes de que completes tu compra. El estado de tu pedido muestra "Desbloqueo completo", por lo que parece que el proceso fue exitoso. Si tienes más preguntas o inquietudes, no dudes en comunicarte con nosotros. ¡Estamos aquí para ayudarte! Saludos, Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
Muy bueno, rápido y se desbloqueo al otro día
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Posted 4 months ago
Hola Jimena, ¡muchas gracias por tu fantástica reseña! Me alegra mucho saber que tu iPhone 15 Pro se desbloqueó tan rápido. Si tienes más preguntas o necesitas ayuda, no dudes en comunicarte conmigo. ¡Disfruta de tu dispositivo recién desbloqueado! Te mando mis mejores deseos, Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
I was tired of paying a high phone bill for service itself . With Direct Unlocks it gave me the option to be able to switch my network provider to anyone and save over $400 a month
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Posted 4 months ago
Hi Kendrick, Thank you so much for sharing your experience! We're thrilled to hear that our service has helped you save significantly on your phone bill. It's great that you can now switch providers to find the best plan for your needs! If you have any questions about the unlocking process or need assistance, feel free to reach out. We're here to help you enjoy your unlocked iPhone 13 Pro Max to the fullest! Best wishes, Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
Buena aplicación pero algo lenta...
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Posted 4 months ago
Hola Lizbeth, ¡gracias por tus comentarios! Me alegra saber que la aplicación te resultó útil, aunque entiendo que se podría mejorar la velocidad. Siempre estamos trabajando en mejoras para brindar una mejor experiencia. Si tienes algún problema o sugerencia específica, compártela y haremos todo lo posible por ayudarte. Saludos, Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
It’s a process and it seems like it won’t work but it will
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Posted 4 months ago
Hi Enrique, Thank you for your review! I see that your order status is "Unlock Complete" for your iPhone 12, which means the unlock process has been successful. If you followed the unlock instructions provided via email, you should be good to go! I understand that unlocking can feel like a complex process, but rest assured, it’s designed to ensure your phone works smoothly on your desired network. If you encounter any difficulties, we're here to help you through them! Let me know if you have any further questions or need assistance. Happy unlocking! Best, Charlotte
Posted 4 months ago
Direct unlocks is rated 4.0 based on 1,411 reviews