“We take this opportunity (Survey) to showcase an award winning start-up from India
Nanosafe Solutions has developed unique active copper technology with the help of which polymer tanks and polymer pipes can be made antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antialgae. Additionally, it makes water fortified with copper. Copper is an essential micronutrient that is required for healthy growth and it is not produced by the body itself
We would like to showcase our technology to your company and explore collaboration opportunities
Please let us know how can we proceed further
Nirav Mehta
CMO, Nanosafe Solutions
Mobile: +91 9819056261
Email: nirav@nanosafesolutions.com”
“Reported a leak on recently installed water tank, was told no one available to resolve this. Had to make repair ourselves as tank was being put into use. No interest once tank was installed. Such a shame they let themselves down at the end of the project.”