“I am delightfully happy with my new personalized leather Nigtmare Before Christmas leather handbag.
My bag is fun and beautiful. The artwork and personalization is perfect. The delivery was amazing! I received my bag as promised, within a very timely manner and with the most protection I have ever seen with an online delivery. Thank you Customfam!”
“I bought this rug for my mother who is being encouraged to move closer to me. She has always sewn. Her request was to have a sewing rug for a sewing room. I found CustomFam on the internet. Ordering was easy and delivery of the product was great. My mother loves the rug.”
“Did not send ordered items, stated it was delivered with a tracking number given after lack of delivery. Refused to resolve issue, so had item paid for never delivered with not resolution. Would never order from this company again”
“Very good quality item. Very efficient communication. Delivery to Australia did not take long at all. I would purchase from CustomFam again. Highly recommended.”