Castle Hot Tubs have a Customer Happiness Grade of A. Customers love their prices, delivery and customer service.
Delivered quickly and beat price around. Great service, thanks 😊
- Chris D
Great Service, fair price would order from Castle Tubs again
- Christina S
Thanks for all the advice and helfullness , and finding me the perfect replacement part for my hot tub, item was swiftly dispatched and a great price by Castle Hot Tubs, and it is in situ working perfectly., great service
- Anita B
Always use Castle Hot Tubs, good prices, quick delivery. Stock everything I need
- Anonymous
Excellent help and fast delivery
- Nicholas L
Always a quick delivery and excellent prices
- Richard M
Delivered quickly and beat price around. Great service, thanks 😊
- Chris D
Great service all booked and paid for online email contact to arrange booking date snd time all very easy will definitely be using again
- Rachel W
Great service as always. Thanks
- Paul B