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Cardyard Reviews

4.7 Rating 1,822 Reviews
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Thanks to cardyard.co.uk I was able to sell my giftcard but I'm just wondering why they didn't send my payment to the bank account linked saying that payment is returned but it has been resolved after I message the support and credited to my Cardyard account credit. Looking forward to my next trade with you
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Posted 1 week ago
Are you saying we lied?
Posted 1 week ago
While it is good to have a trustworthy place to trade giftcard, CardYard is taking a large profit margin. Not buying some very popular brand like Google Play card is also bad.
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Posted 1 year ago
If only it were true. Most of the discount you see as a seller goes to the buyer. Regarding Google, as they work on their anti-fraud we are reluctant to accept their cards and put buyers at the mercy of Google's security systems. I'm sure Google will sort it out soon. Kind regards, Mike
Posted 1 year ago
Very good site to buy gift cards. Generally has better discounts than other options. On the other hand, on 3 purchases of Amazon coupons the codes I received had already been redeemed by another user. That is too unreliable. Luckily I was issued a refund each time 3-5 days later.
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Posted 2 years ago
You had an unlucky run Fabio. It is unusual to get a problem gift card from Cardyard but as they come from the public they can occur. Best wishes, Mike
Posted 2 years ago
Sold a JD Sports Gift Card via this company, did the 2 weeks worth of quarantine to ensure its valid ect... After 2 weeks, i’ve still not had/received my payment and currently feeling like i’ve been scammed. Sent emails ect and had slow responses and still no money. If they fix this issue, then maybe i’ll write a new review.
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Posted 2 years ago
This reviewer received full payment for their gift card on the date promised.
Posted 2 years ago
They have the best price
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Posted 2 years ago
Thanks for saying we have the best prices Aninta. What do you require to offer more than a three star review?
Posted 2 years ago
I bought nearly a hundred cards from Cardyard and their service and customer service is good - BUT what you are not told is that some individuals sell the card and then go on to use it, so you may have a nasty surprise when you learn that the value of the card has disappeared. It happened to me last week in Morrisons as the balance of the card had vanished (and to make things worse Morrisons do not show which gift card you have used, e.g. the last four digits) so I had to email Morrisons and ask for the detail of the expenditure, then contact Cardyard and provide my details... Not sure this is worth the savings (at least with Morrisons. With Amazon, at least, you can apply the balance to your account immediately). So, Buyer Beware...
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Posted 3 years ago
Hi Gianmarco, the gift cards on Cardyard are unwanted gift cards from members of the public. Unfortunately, sometimes there are problems with cards to which our customer service team will always investigate to try and get to the bottom of what has happened. Thanks to the investigating you did yourself, we were able to instantly refund you for what had happened. Our team are there and happy to contact retailer to find out what has happened, so you dont need to spend your time doing it yourself.
Posted 3 years ago
Mixed. Placed a number of orders. Most were fine. However, one order for an e-card contained incorrect details - it took a while to get this sorted via support but it was eventually sorted out. Another order for an e-card resulted in a voucher code being supplied that had already been used and was invalid. Again, support eventually refunded this but it took far too long to reach that stage. Validity should be checked before items are advertised!
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Posted 3 years ago
Hi Jeremy, Cardyard is an exchange and we rely on the cooperation of our sellers and buyers. The advantage of using Cardyard over a general marketplace is we can act on your behalf to get a resolution. Despite the difficulties we faced dealing with the seller and with a very slow-to-respond retailer, your case was resolved in 3 business days. We responded to your emails very quickly and sent 7 responses to your questions, mostly within an hour of your query. I don't know of any other marketplace or equivalent service where you would have experienced such fantastic care. Good luck with your future purchases. Mike
Posted 3 years ago
Little choice of gift vouchers, some are not very high discounts, other that that good. I just wish they would offer a bigger range.
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Posted 3 years ago
Hi Richard, we accept a huge range of retailers but as these gift cards come from the public, we cant request what people send in. Lots of retailers are sold within minutes of being on sale. Our discounts are also at the best rates they can be, any discount is a saving in comparison to paying full price.
Posted 3 years ago
E-cards came through quickly but sadly still waiting for the rest of the order to arrive
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi, please can get in contact with our customer service at support@cardyard.co.uk so they can sort this for you.
Posted 4 years ago
Please add other payment methods e.g. G-pay, applepay, PayPal..
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi there, We do have Paypal as a payment method. The reason we can't have the other two at the moment is because we are a small company, we hope to implement more payment methods in the future Kind regards Katie
Posted 4 years ago
I have bought many Google play cards.whilst it started off brilliant in that you were getting cards discounted and received quickly the last 5 I've done ,4 of them I've had issues with. They wouldn't work as in Google said they have already been used and the last one was a £50 card that Google said it was fraudulent and I had to send them details of where it was purchased and screenshots of ID etc. Although after emails back and forth to customer service I did get refund back from them but each have taken a week to get back which was annoying. Havnt purchased a card since unfortunately
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi Robbie, thanks for leaving a review. As these cards come in from the public, which is why they are discounted, there sometimes are issues out of our control. We are aware of google play and have been reviewing it. I'm pleased to hear you have been refunded for them though, the time refunds take to be processed is to do with the banks.
Posted 4 years ago
Used them 3 times now I think, the 1st 2 times were fine but the last time was probelmatic. I bought a £25 iTunes card, got the code within a few minutes but it didn’t work. I used thee chat facility and was given a new code as they .thought there was a typo in the initial one, but this didn’t work either. End result ,they had to refund but it was a lot of wasted time
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi David, thanks for leaving a review. As the cards from the public, there sometimes are issues when the cards don't work which is out of our control. I am pleased to hear you got your money back.
Posted 4 years ago
can be frustrating/dissapointing. recieve code fast but most of the time cannot redeem
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi there - Google Play have had quite some problems and even though who we check the balance of the cards they appear to be active and ready to use, when a buyer goes to redeem the card they unfortunately have an issue in which we then have to issue a refund/new card depending on stock. Though due to the problems, we no longer accept Google Play.
Posted 4 years ago
They have a very small range of gift vouchers and gift cards, what they do have is good though, I just wish they would get a better range, all they need to do is negotiate with the stores.
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Posted 4 years ago
Thankyou for taking the time out of your day to leave us a review Unfortunately, it isn't that simple when it comes to expanding our range but adding more shops to our range is something we are working towards this year so check back soon to see what's new! :) Katie
Posted 4 years ago
sold a 25 pound gift card n got 22.50 back, scam but ill take ykwis
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Posted 5 years ago
We don't understand your review Noa. We paid you the promised sum of money within the agreed timeframe. Yes, it does take 2 weeks but that was made very clear when you listed the card We can only provide the service we do by having the 2 week payment schedule. Regards, Mike
Posted 5 years ago
Its okay you get fair rates but the sale can be extremely slow ive some psn codes on sale for a week now and they still havent sold,others sell within hours but these have been up for days so i hope its not some sort of a system glitch iTunes sell fast tho and payments so far have always hit my bank account on the same day or a day early as promised.
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Posted 5 years ago
Hi Gabor, I'm sorry we weren't able to sell your cards as quickly as you hoped. It's true there was a glut of one retailer on our site and we need to keep an eye on our discounts to make sure all retailers sell as quickly as others. I'm sure they will sell quicker now if you want to give us another go. Best wishes Mike
Posted 5 years ago
Sold 3 gift cards to Cardyard. Process was simple. Was emailed to say all had been approved and a specified amount of money would be in my account within days. The money which arrived was not the same amount as the email. Have tried to ask Cardyard why I received less money via their online chat but no reply as yet. Disappointed.
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Posted 5 years ago
Thanks for using Cardyard Amanda, but I'm sorry you received misleading emails as the money you received was the correct amount. We've checked our logs and our chat and are a little flummoxed by your experience and I'm sorry to hear you were disappointed. Best wishes, Mike
Posted 5 years ago
The site is good but the way it gives status updates is pathetic.
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Posted 5 years ago
Thank you for leaving your review and for your feedback. The only way to receive updates is by email though we have been looking at other ways of doing so. Kind regards, Mike
Posted 5 years ago
I ordered two of the same gift cards and received my codes promptly - however both codes had already been used. Upon contacting support I was granted a new code and a refund on the other as there was only one in stock. The actions taken by their support team were fantastic, however I should never have been given used codes in the first place - the fact that they only had one left, and were willing to give me two used codes is frankly disgusting. That being said, thanks to the support team for providing the service that I should have had to begin with.
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Posted 5 years ago
Hi there, thanks for leaving a review. I am sorry to hear you experienced having codes that were already redeemed. The codes are from the general public and unfortunately with iTunes we are unable to check if codes have already been redeemed. However, I am glad to see we got this resolved for you. Thanks, Demi
Posted 5 years ago
You guys take a long time to send the money back to the consumers.
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Posted 5 years ago
Hi Jalil, thanks for taking the time to leave a review. Payment terms are as per our terms and conditions depending on the card that has been sold. Thank you for using Cardyard.
Posted 5 years ago
Cardyard is rated 4.7 based on 1,822 reviews