“So I bought the ottoman stumpy and being new to safety razors didn’t know what to expect but wow these fellas have nailed it, beautifully engineered easy to use and the shave cream is brilliant thanks guys.”
“The shaver arrived with all the parts loose in the box, so they were all over the place Wedged under the foam, loose on top of the shaver etc). There were also two items missing from the box. The shave is ok but the blades are really fiddly and messy to clean. I thought from the marketing that I was buying a premium product but I don't think this is worth the high price I paid. I previously had a Remington which was much easier to clean and I think, gave a slightly better shave - for less money....”
“Quality trimmer at the right price, the perfect 1mm 2mm and 3mm grades for me when others didn't have that choice, other brands were "discounting down" to the price of my Barberossa from £100.00
They got everything right for my choice, the humour in follow up e mails to subscribe was worth the purchase in itself ....had me laughing out loud....genius ! Love the trimmer and very happy with delivery and quality, thank you !”
“Razor arrived and feels descent. Unfortunately in spite of watching lots of tutorials about how to shave using a safety razor I am getting cut every time.”
“I've only had the clippers afew weeks, so far they have given a good cut l use it with out the guides and the shape of the body feels good, I've dropped my previous clippers because of the shape of them, really pleased”
“I bought some hair clippers and they are by far the best I have used. There was an offer on at the time to get shaving cream for free, I have since purchased another one and also some aftershave balm. Both items are excellent and they are now my ‘go too’ shaving items.”