ARROW & BEAST have a Customer Happiness Grade of B. Customers love their prices, delivery, customer service and refunds but are unhappy with their returns process.
everything ok, fast delivery, price ok,
- Anonym
I bought 2 pairs of sneakers sb dunk low. It was a good price and fast delivery. I will come back to order
- Jonathan D
Good service and price .
I recommend the shoes here , they are perfect for skate .
- Aleksey K
everything ok, fast delivery, price ok,
- Anonym
Great service, with fast delivery. Plus, loving the sneakers 👟
- Jonathan L
Fast delivery, and very good customer service
- Gaëlle F
Customer service, returns.. they dont understand nothing
- Anonymous
Delivery in time, return easily accepted, refund in time. I'm totally satisfied. Thanks.
- Fraj H
Super Service. Hat bis jetzt jedesmal ohne Komplikationen funktioniert.
TOP Shop.
- Christian W
Top Service, top Skateshop!
- Felix H
Zwei Shirts bestellt, leider war eins davon nicht mehr verfügbar aber Rückerstattung wurde umgehend veranlasst, super Service!
Lieferung ging auch fix, wie immer.
- Alexander P