“I'm pay n £30/£40 a week on pay as you go phone so decided be cheaper with contract and phone as ma phone is broke I'm usin ma daughters and been told use are cheaper and use have gd deals and I'm happy and be grateful if got the contract as wld be easer than topping up all time il never run ot calls data ect and it's comin ot ma bank so nothn to worry about and my bills paid”
“Never had contract or phone jst we silly phones now decidedneed one for work etc and was advised use are a better company and cheaper deals and use are at the budget I need and wld be more than greatful if got my own phone and Il be cheaper with this contract & phone as not a gold phone I have and I'm topping up pay as you go 30/40 a wk so thts why I would like to join ur self's and i dnt have a email adress I gave my mum's no sure if still work if need to contact me as it days by email can I get a call of possible plz as no sure email works thanks a lot”