The quality control can be a nightmare! I ordered used chanel sneakers and the seller tried to hide some heavy scratches on the leather. When the shoes arrived I was shocked to see that there were way more heavy scratches than shown by the seller's pictures. The seller described the shoes condition as "very good" and didn't mention the scratches at all! Surprisingly, they passed the quality control. I then send the chat support photo evidence of the scratches and that there is an obvious deviation from the item description. After I returned the shoes the second quality control rejected my refund because they claimed that the item is as described!
Then they relisted the shoes. I decided to get the shoes back and get them repaired. However, the returned the shoes to my other address in another country despite the fact that the initial order was send to Germany! The chat support is unwilling to offer me a compensation for my time and money loss. Besides that, the chat support is usually a nightmare: you have to wait days or hours for a single reply. There is no consistent chat, rather like emails you get within days or hours. Incredibly bad support and quality control! I'm suprised to see that this is even legally possible!!!
1 year ago
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