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There simply wasn't enough material to justify 66 slides and an hour of listening - this could easily have a) either been condensed into 30 mins or needed b) more complex information to justify a full hour of my time. Some of it was also much too basic to be useful - e.g. children can behave unpredictably in a fire, curtains are flammable... learners learn better when you assume they are intelligent and already expert. I'd also change 'schools' to 'educational establishments' as I was asked to watch this because I have a Higher education job. Some of the videos were also too short to be useful/necessary - esp towards the end. There was also a tech glitch which meant even though I'd seen every slide the presentation made me start again rather than let me go through to the test. Too many 'male experts' also - where is the woman firefighter or woman presenter? - it should at least have been one of each. Too white too - ethnic diversity was nowhere to be seen. Do make it shorter with the existing info, or more complex and the same 1 hour length.
5 years ago
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