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Eula Inge
Disappointing and frustrating trip to Llandudno ASDA today. may I start by saying my husband works for ASDA at Rhyl so we are very aware of problems caused by the coronavirus. we just went in to buy a few bits we couldn't find at the Rhyl store. We took our place in the Checkout queue, standing the requisite 2-m from all other customers. We were third in a queue of 5. as the lady in front of me moved to the far end of the Checkout I started to put our shopping on the conveyor belt. the cashier asked me not to as she wanted the belt clear between customer's and so I stopped. my husband hadn't heard her and started to put the shopping on the counter. I asked him not to and took the shopping off so the belt was clear noticing all the other check outs had customers filling the conveyor belts with their shopping I queried why. she said it was to keep us all safe. I wondered why the other checkouts were not doing the same and she had no reply. the two people queing behind me also queried this and we agreed it seems strange this was the only checkout operating in this way. at all times my husband and I were keeping the requisite 2-m from all other customers. when I queried the Checkout girl again on why she was following this strange procedure when no others seemed to be she called her a supervisor. before we knew it we were surrounded by 6 members of staff all telling us that it is at the Checkout Girls discretion as to how she runs her check out. at this point I told one of the supervisors she was standing way too close to my husband, given the fact that we were all trying to stay 2 m apart following their procedures. Her reply was that my husband had moved closer to her which wasn't the case and we asked her to check her CTV to confirm this. But she had no intention of doing so. realising we were wasting our time and being put at risk by the very people tasked with ensuring our safety, all 8 of us now gathered around 1 checkout by this point, we decided just to continue and get out of the store to save people behind us waiting any longer but then the cashier who had caused all the problem refused to serve us so I left the goods on the Checkout belt and headed to customer service where I asked to speak to a manager. a young man quickly came down to see us but it was obvious to us that no further action or inquiry into this issue would be taken when he reiterated that is at the check out girls discretion as to how she runs her check out. I would reiterate here, again,that my husband and I are very aware of how to keep ourselves and others safe during the pandemic. we are well able to read and follow signs if there had been a sign on the Checkout that says do not place your products on the Checkout until the Checkout is clear we could have saved having this problem. If there were a sign saying our cashiers make up the rules as they go along,we would have known what to expect. At no point were we causing a danger to other customers or staff, in fact the opposite is true we were surrounded by 6 members of staff, breaking their own 2metre social distancing rule, none of whom could be found anywhere when I was looking earlier to find where the eggs were!
4 years ago
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