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Alessandro Garbossa
I must admit I'm shocked, I discovered your website surfing the web and since that moment it was so easy and good to order from you. I ordered a batch of different Walden Farm products, the descriptions were detailed and I even got a discount when ordering more than one piece, what could I expect more? Universal Nutrition had some out of stock products so the same day they emailed me asking what I'd like to do to substitute those missing products or, LISTEN, if I wanted to take them off the order or wait for them to be restocked. I chose some other walden farm products and they shipped the same day, needless to say I received the goods in 4 days even if I am from Italy. Resuming I would say: - GREAT INTUITIVE WEB SITE AND INTERFACE - DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS OF THE PRODUCTS - BULK ORDER DISCOUNT FOR EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT - GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE - THE SHORTEST SHIPPING TIMES EVER Thanks guys.
55 years ago
unsportsnutrition has a 4.9 average rating from 894 reviews

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