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Harvey Comer heath
Do not trust this company or believe the positive reviews(probably fake). This company have a fake tracking system and claim to use Tufnell's delivery when in actual fact they don't give you any actual codes compatible with Tufnell's legitimate website and have their own tracking page with a tracking code that isn't genuine. I ordered next day delivery and should, on paper, get my box today but the tracking page hasn't updated since 7 pm yesterday. Even if it does arrive bassed on the other reviews, I'll be surprised if its in good condition. Do your self a favour and buy the exact same dimensions on amazon for less and more positive reviews. Royal male sell boxes as well(UK). This company is just a bunch of cowboys with a very s*** website might I add.
4 years ago
Packing Boxes has a 1.2 average rating from 96 reviews

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