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Ching T
Below is my second fault report, more than 4 -5days no response at all. The BP pulse never work since installed. Very disappointing. Hi Ching Goh, Thank you for getting in touch with bp pulse. We've received your message and we aim to respond to the majority of cases within 48 working hours. Case Details Case Number: 04622984 Subject: BP pulse home charge never since installed Description: Hi Last BP pulse has swapped a new bp pulse wall charger (from serial number H426257 to H436554) but the issue remaining the same. I have read my car manual, if my car has quick flash red light indicating there is a infrastructure malfunction. I'm use pod charger, and BP chargemaster outside and it works fine. I don't understand why BP home charger doesn't with my my smartforfour. Can you send someone to check the system again, maybe this time I will leave my car with the engineer so your engineer can troubleshoot the problem quicker. Kind regards Ching
3 years ago
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